Yassine Guendouzi – Oceanography – Best Researcher Award

Yassine Guendouzi – Oceanography – Best Researcher Award

Mr. Yassine Guendouzi distinguished academic and researcher in the field Oceanography. He has been building a substantial career in environmental science since 2011, focusing particularly on marine and coastal environments. Currently, he serves as a Senior Lecturer at the University Center of Tipaza in the Institute of Science, Department of Nature and Life Sciences, a position he has held since October 2018. Before joining academia, he was an Environmental Engineer at the National Laboratory of Control and Analysis of Fishery Products and Aquaculture and Aquatic Environment Safety (LNCAPPASM) in Algiers, Algeria, from March 2015 to October 2018. There, he was involved in crucial safety analyses and control measures for fishery products and aquaculture.

Earlier, from February 2012 to March 2015, he worked as an Environmental Engineer at the Coastal National Commissariat (CNL) in the Tipaza antenna, Algeria. His work there was pivotal in the integrated coastal zone management and he participated actively in the creation of protected marine areas. His first professional role was with The Environment Directorate of the Wilaya of Tipaza, Algeria, where he also served as

🌐 Professional Profiles


He has an extensive background in marine sciences, holding several degrees in the field. From 2015 to 2019, he completed his PhD in Ecology and Marine Environment at the University Abdelhamid Ibn Badis in Mostaganem, Algeria. His doctoral research focused on the bioaccumulation of trace metals and radionuclides in the mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis and the sea urchin Paracentrotus lividus along the Algerian coasts, which can be found detailed in his publication at https://doi.org/10.13140/RG.2.2.18200.42243. Prior to his PhD, he earned a Magister in Marine Science and Aquaculture from the same university from 2012 to 2015, researching the quality of seawater in Mostaganem’s coastal region using the same species as bioindicators.

Before his postgraduate studies, he was trained as an Engineer in Marine Sciences at the National Higher School of Marine Sciences and Coastal Management (ENSSMAL) in Algiers, Algeria, where he investigated the impact of chemical pollution on Posidonia meadows in the Bay of Algiers. This project was completed as part of his program from 2005 to 2011. Dr. [Name] began his academic journey after earning his Baccalaureate in the Scientific Section from Mohammed Rekaizi High School in Hadjout, Tipasa, Algeria in 2005.

  • Sediment pollution: An assessment of anthropogenic and geogenic trace element contributions along the central Algerian coast

    Marine Pollution Bulletin
    2023-01 | Journal article
    Part of ISSN: 0025-326X
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  • Stock status of the bogue Boops boops (Walbaum, 1792) in Algerian West Coast (Southwestern Mediterranean Sea)

    Regional Studies in Marine Science
    2022-11 | Journal article
    CONTRIBUTORS: Houria Handjar; Yassine Guendouzi; Abdellatif Niar; Hichem Kara; Moustafa Benhalima
  • Occurrence, contamination level and ecological risk assessment of dissolved and particulate trace elements in rivers entering the southwestern Mediterranean Sea

    Marine Pollution Bulletin
    2022-07 | Journal article
    Part ofISSN: 0025-326X
  • The Mussel Mytilus Galloprovincialis: Nutritional Quality and Bioindicator of Availability of Radionuclides in the Marine Environment (Algerian Basin)

    Recent Advances in Environmental Science from the Euro-Mediterranean and Surrounding Regions (2nd Edition)
    2021 | Book chapter
    Part ofISBN: 9783030512095
    Part ofISBN: 9783030512101
    Part ofISSN: 1863-5520
    Part ofISSN: 1863-5539
  • Contamination level and ecological risk assessment of particulate trace metals in Southwestern Mediterranean Sea

    Regional Studies in Marine Science
    2021-07 | Journal article
    Part ofISSN: 2352-4855
  • Effect of physiological conditions and biochemical factors of mussels Mytilus galloprovincialis in radioactivity monitoring programs along the Algerian coast

    Environmental Science and Pollution Research
    2020-06-22 | Journal article
    Part ofISSN: 0944-1344
    Part ofISSN: 1614-7499
  • Environmental and human health risk assessment of trace metals in the mussel ecosystem from the Southwestern Mediterranean

    Marine Pollution Bulletin
    2020-02 | Journal article
    CONTRIBUTORS: Yassine Guendouzi; Dina Lila Soualili; Scott W. Fowler; Mostefa Boulahdid
  • Etude de la bioaccumulation des métaux traces et des radionucléides chez la moule M. galloprovincialis et l’oursin P. lividus dans le littoral algérien

    2019 | Journal article
  • Seasonal variation in bioavailability of trace metals in the echinoid Paracentrotus lividus (Lamarck, 1816) from Algerian coastal waters: Effect of physiological indices

    Regional Studies in Marine Science
    2017 | Journal article



    CONTRIBUTORS: Guendouzi, Y.; Soualili, D.L.; Boulahdid, M.; Boudjenoun, M.; Mezali, K.
  • Biological Indices and Monitoring of Trace Metals in the Mussel from the Southwestern Mediterranean (Algeria): Seasonal and Geographical Variations

    Thalassas: An international journal of marine sciences
    2017-08-28 | Journal article

Enrique González Ortegón – Ecology – Best Researcher Award

Enrique González Ortegón – Ecology

Dr. Enrique Gonzalez Ortegon distinguished academic and researcher in the field Ecology. His active participation in research projects is noteworthy. He has been involved in 25 competitive and 13 non-competitive projects. These projects have been diverse, ranging from an Antarctic survey in 2022 to 8 scientific campaigns aboard research vessels like R/V Alvariño, Margalef, and Oliver. Notably, he has also conducted 115 studies using a traditional boat in estuaries. His research findings have been shared widely, with him presenting 100 works at national and international conferences, showcasing his dedication and influence in the field of marine science.

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Educations: 📚🎓

Since October 2017, he has been a distinguished researcher at ICMAN, where he has made significant contributions to the field of marine science. His focus areas include larval ecology, invasive species, and community ecology. In his role, he has successfully supervised 4 PhD theses and 6 Master’s dissertations, with 5 of the Master’s students continuing their work at research institutions across Spain. He has also acted as a postdoctoral supervisor for three PhDs working on larval ecology and modelling. His mentorship extends to 12 graduate dissertations.

In terms of publications, he has an impressive record of 114 works. This includes 72 peer-reviewed international publications and 6 book chapters, with 2 of these chapters being peer-reviewed and included in Advances in Ecological Research. Additionally, he has written 8 dissemination articles, 24 scientific-technical reports, and 3 normative documents relevant to fisheries.

Since October 2017, he has been a distinguished researcher at ICMAN, where he has made significant contributions to the field of marine science. His focus areas include larval ecology, invasive species, and community ecology. In his role, he has successfully supervised 4 PhD theses and 6 Master’s dissertations, with 5 of the Master’s students continuing their work at research institutions across Spain. He has also acted as a postdoctoral supervisor for three PhDs working on larval ecology and modelling. His mentorship extends to 12 graduate dissertations.

In terms of publications, he has an impressive record of 114 works. This includes 72 peer-reviewed international publications and 6 book chapters, with 2 of these chapters being peer-reviewed and included in Advances in Ecological Research. Additionally, he has written 8 dissemination articles, 24 scientific-technical reports, and 3 normative documents relevant to fisheries.




  • He has achieved considerable success in the realm of research, innovations, and extension, marked by his completion and ongoing management of 25 research projects. His scholarly work is well-recognized, as evidenced by his citation index in Scopus/Web of Science or PubMed/Indian Citation Index, which stands at an impressive 1,254. In addition to this, he has undertaken 8 consultancy and industry-sponsored projects, reflecting his ability to bridge the gap between academia and industry.

    His contributions to academic literature include the publication of 5 books with ISBN, encompassing text, reference, chapters, and conference proceedings. The total cost of all his projects amounts to a substantial USD 7,256,302. However, he has not yet ventured into patent publishing and processing, as indicated by a count of zero in this area.

    His scholarly articles have a wide reach, with 72 journals published in Scopus, Web of Science, and PubMed index, and an additional 42 in other indexes. He holds 30 editorial appointments in various journals and conferences, underscoring his expertise and reputation in the academic community.

    His research focuses on coastal ecology, particularly in understanding the impacts of global change stressors like plastic pollution and heatwaves on marine life. He specializes in the benthic ecology of marine invertebrates, larval ecology of marine crustaceans, and the dynamics of marine communities, employing various models to study these aspects. His extensive work in the Guadalquivir estuary over 18 years has provided him with deep insights into taxonomy and estuary functioning.

    Previously, he worked at Regensburg University on a German/Spanish project, conducting genetic studies of European shrimp populations. From 2010 to 2017, he received five postdoctoral fellowships, including international stints in the UK (funded by the Spanish Ministry and Marie Curie) and national positions in Spain. In 2008, he contributed to the ‘First action lines for the management of invasive exotic species in Andalusia,’ an initiative by the European Conference of Invasive Exotic Species. Furthermore, in 2012, he worked on a project for the DFO in Canada, focusing on shrimp species, including the reporting of an exotic species.

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