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Zhang Yiwei- Network Science

Dr. Zhang Yiwei  distinguished academic and researcher in the field Network Science. He is currently serving as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Mathematics at Southern University of Science and Technology. His primary research interests in pure mathematics revolve around the interplay of dynamical systems, ergodic theory, probability theory, and optimizations. His work delves into the statistical properties of dynamical systems, particularly those generated by iterations of maps exhibiting a certain level of hyperbolicity. Emphasizing probabilistic studies, he explores topics such as ergodic optimization and thermodynamics formalism problems associated with the invariant measures of these systems.

Beyond theoretical pursuits, he actively engages in the practical applications of his research, modeling dynamics in real-world systems such as data-driven dynamical systems in cell biology and neuroscience. With an impressive track record, he has authored 24 manuscripts in peer-reviewed journals, collaborated with distinguished mathematicians, and received prestigious awards, including the Chen Shengshen Prize of Mathematics from the Chinese Mathematical Society and the Marc Yor Prize from the French Academy of Sciences. Notably, in 2020, he and his collaborators successfully resolved a 20-year-long standing conjecture in ergodic optimization originally proposed by Professors G. Yuan and B. Hunt at the University of Maryland in 1999.

Professional Profiles:

• Jian Ding, Zhiqiang Li and Yiwei Zhang, On the prevalence of the periodicity of maximizing
measures, Accepted for publication in Advance in Mathematics, (2023).
• Xiaobo Hou, Xueting Tian, and Yiwei Zhang, Topological structures on saturated sets,
optimal orbits and equilibrium states, Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst. Series A, (2023), no. 43,
2 • Xiankun Ren, Wenda Zhang, Yiwei Zhang, Upper capacity entropy and packing entropy
of saturated sets for amenable group actions, Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst. Series A, (2023)
no. 43, 2812-2834.
• Jianyu Chen, Hongkun Zhang, and Yiwei Zhang, On Coupling Lemma and Stochastic
Properties for One-dimensional Expanding Maps, J. Dyn Differ Equat. (2022).
• Stefano Galatalo, Mark Holland, Tomas Persson and Yiwei Zhang, Anomalous time-scaling
of extreme events in infinite systems and Birkhoff sums of infinite observables, Discrete
Contin. Dyn. Syst. Series A, 41(2021), no.4, 1799-1841.
• Lulu Fang, Hiroki Takahasi and Yiwei Zhang, Precise asymptotics on the Birkhoff sums
for dynamical systems, Nonlinearity, 34(2021), no. 10, 7095-7108.
• Charles Bordenave, Yanqi Qiu and Yiwei Zhang, Spectral gap of sparse bistochastic matrices with exchangeable rows, Annales de l’Institut Henri Poincar´e – Probabilit´es et
Statistiques, 56(2020), no. 4, 2971-2995;
• Qianying Xiao and Yiwei Zhang, On the computation of extended rescaled Poincar´e map
for singular vector fields, Dyn. Syst, 35(2020), no. 2, 259-274.
• Hongfei Cui, Lulu Fang, Yiwei Zhang, A note on the run length function for intermittent
maps, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 472(2019), no.1, 937-946.
• Jiaojiao Yang, Min Wu, and Yiwei Zhang, Quasi-Lipschitz mapping, correlation and local
dimensions, Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 105(2017), 224-229.
• Junlin Li, Hongbo Fu, Ziying He and Yiwei Zhang, Strong approximation rate for Wiener
process by fast oscillating integrated Ornstein-Uhlenbeck processes, Chaos, Solitons & Fractals. 113(2018), 314-325.
• Byott Nigel P., Lin Congping and Yiwei Zhang. On the mixing properties of piecewise
expanding maps under composition with permutations II: Maps of non-constant orientation,
Stoch. Dyn. 16(2016), no. 3. 1660013
• Ana Rodrigues and Yiwei Zhang, Fair measure and fair entropy for non-Markov interval
maps, Stoch. Dyn. (2016), no. 16, 1750035.
• Bochi Jairo and Yiwei Zhang, Ergodic optimization of prevalent super-continuous functions, Int. Math. Res. Not. IMRN(2016), no. 19, 5988-6017.
Zhang Yiwei- Network Science – Best Researcher Award

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