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 Prof Dr. Fakher Frikha  distinguished academic and researcher in the Bioinformatic stuctural. Fakher’s research fields span Engineering, Computer Science, Biology, Biostatistics, Bioinformatics, and Biochemistry. He has expertise in Biochemistry, Proteins, Lipids, Enzyme Activity, Enzyme Production, Lipase, Laccase, Immobilization, Bioinformatics, Homology Modeling, Molecular Docking, QSAR, Drug Design, Molecular Dynamics Simulation, and Biostatistics. Currently, he works at the Department of Biology, University of Sfax as an assistant professor in bioinformatics and Biostatistics. His current project is mainly in the field of structural bioinformatics and biostatistics, including 3D structures molecular modeling of proteins, molecular dynamics, molecular Docking, study of the structure-function relationship, and design of experiments.

🌐 Professional Profiles


Fakher Frikha, a Ph.D. holder in Biological Engineering from the National School of Engineers of Sfax (ENIS), has been an Assistant Professor since 2012. His Ph.D. research focused on the molecular modeling of lipolytic enzymes. He also holds a Master’s degree and a National Engineering Degree from ENIS, and a Higher Technician degree in Public Health from the Higher School of Health Sciences and Techniques of Sfax (ESSTSS)

Research projects

Research projects:

  • Dissertation at ESSTSS Microbiology Service, Habib BOURGUIBA University Hospital, Sfax. Topic: “Peripheral samples from newborns: bacteriological analysis and interpretation.”
  • Final project at ENIS Enzymatic Lipolysis Unit, ENIS, Sfax. Topic: “Comparative study of bird lipases.”
  • Master’s thesis at ENIS Laboratory of Biochemistry and Enzymatic Engineering of Lipases, ENIS, Sfax. Topic: “Modeling 3-D structures of lipases.”
  • Doctoral thesis at ENIS Laboratory of Biochemistry and Enzymatic Engineering of Lipases, ENIS, Sfax. Topic: “Molecular modeling of lipolytic enzymes: study of structure-function relationships.”
  • Member of the Laboratory of Biochemistry and Enzymatic Engineering, ENIS, Sfax (2011).
  • Member of the Laboratory of Microbial, Enzymatic, and Biomolecule Biotechnology (LBMEB), Center of Biotechnology of Sfax (CBS), University of Sfax (2015).
  • Member of the Laboratory of Biochemistry and Enzymatic Engineering, ENIS, Sfax (2018).
  • Member of the Laboratory of Molecular and Cellular Screening Processes (LPCMC), Center of Biotechnology of Sfax (CBS), University of Sfax (August 2021).

Il semble que vous ayez une expérience variée et solide dans le domaine des sciences biologiques et de la recherche, ainsi que dans l’enseignement universitaire. Voici une reformulation de votre expérience professionnelle :

  • Juillet/Août 1999 : Technicien au Laboratoire d’analyse médicale au complexe IBN ANNAFIS, Sfax.
  • 2003 et 2004 : Réussi aux épreuves écrites de recrutement de technologue.
  • Du 15/09/2005 au 15/06/2006, Du 15/09/2006 au 14/09/2007, Du 15/09/2007 au 14/09/2008 : Contrats étudiants chercheurs à l’Institut Supérieur de Biotechnologie de Sfax.
  • À partir du 07/09/2009 : Assistant à la Faculté des Sciences de Sfax, spécialisé en Bioinformatique et Biostatistique (BMC3, SVE3, IAA3, Master BMC) – enseignement de cours théoriques et pratiques. En outre, vous avez assuré des vacations à l’ENIS-GB3 et GB2 en Biotechnologie & Agroalimentaire, ainsi que des travaux pratiques en bioinformatique et en méthodologie de la recherche expérimentale.
  • À partir du 07/09/2012 : Maitre-Assistant à la Faculté des Sciences de Sfax, toujours dans le domaine de la Bioinformatique et Biostatistique (BMC3, SVE3, IAA3, Master Recherche et Master Professionnel) – enseignement de cours théoriques et pratiques.
  • À partir de 2015 : Devenu responsable de la start-up Algreen, dont la mission est de convertir vers un usage parasismique. Cependant, le texte est ambigu, et il n’est pas clair ce que signifie “convert into a para use he”. Si vous pouvez fournir plus de détails sur les activités de la start-up, cela aiderait à clarifier cette partie.

Votre expérience montre une progression professionnelle cohérente dans votre domaine d’expertise, allant de la recherche et de l’enseignement universitaire à des responsabilités entrepreneuriales.

Professional Internships

During his three years of study at the Higher School of Health Sciences and Techniques of Sfax, he completed technician internships in various departments at the Habib BOURGUIBA University Hospital, covering hematology, biochemistry, bacteriology and virology, immunology, and parasitology. From 07/06 to 07/07/2000, he undertook an internship at the pharmaceutical company SIMED in Sfax, focusing on techniques of physico-chemical analysis and microbiological control. From 01/07 to 31/07/2001, he interned at the company AGROMED (Mamie Nova) in El Amra, working on the application of the HACCP system on the production chain of skimmed butter until the finished packaged product.

Additionally, he participated in various educational events and workshops, including the spring pedagogy university event at ENIS in April 2004, the Pedagogical Training Cycle at ENIS in April 2005, and the “First Tunisian-German Workshop on Bioinformatics” in Borj Cédria from 8-10 September 2006, where he presented a poster. He also attended the Training School on Experimental Designs at the University of Sfax from 22-24 March 2007 and participated in the pedagogical training seminar titled “The Place of Self-learning and Information and Communication Technologies” in May 2007, which was organized in collaboration with the Catholic University of Louvain (Belgium) as part of the European TEMPUS program, held at the Higher Institute of Biotechnology of Sfax.




Fakher Frikha – Bioinformatics Structural – Top Researcher Award

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