Seyed Alireza – Energy and fossil fuel – Best Researcher Award

Seyed Alireza – Energy and fossil fuel- Best Researcher Award

Dr. Seyed Alireza distinguished academic and researcher in the field  Energy and Fossil fuel.

🌐 Professional Profile


He earned his B.S. degree in Mechanical Engineering from Shahrood University of Technology in 2004. He then pursued his M.S. degree in Mechanical Engineering at Isfahan University of Technology, graduating in 2007. In 2012, he completed his Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering at Iran University of Science and Technology.

Work Experience:

He has extensive experience in mechanical engineering, particularly in the design and construction of power boilers and pressure vessels. From 2004 to 2008, he worked in the Boiler Design Division at Azarab Company in Arak, contributing to the Shazand Arak Refinery expansion and upgrading project. During this period, he was involved in the mechanical design and construction of power boilers, basic design of water tube boilers, and process thermo-hydraulic design. Prior to this, from 2003 to 2004, he was part of the Pressure Vessel Design Division at M.S.A. in Arak, focusing on the mechanical design of pressure vessels and the thermal and mechanical design of shell and tube heat exchangers. In 2004, he also had brief stints with the Makazi Province Gas Company (MPGC) and the National Iranian Oil Products Distribution Company (NIOPDC) in Markazi. His technical skills include expertise in mechanical design and construction of power boilers (ASME, SEC I), basic design of water tube boilers (IHI technology), materials (ASME, SEC II), construction of pressure vessels (ASME, SEC VIII, Div I), shell and tube heat exchanger design (TEMA), mechanical design of pressure vessels (PVElite), thermal design of heat exchangers (ASPEN-BJAC), stress analysis of piping lines (Ceasar II), process thermo-hydraulic design (HYSYS), dynamic modeling of processes (HYSYS Dynamic), and system dynamics study (Bond Graph).


He has completed various training courses to enhance his expertise in mechanical engineering and related fields. He underwent a six-month training program in the Pressure Vessel Design Division at M.S.A. in Arak, focusing on projects in the South Pars region. Additionally, he spent three months under the guidance of Dr. Madadi in Shahrood, learning the design of heating, ventilation, and air conditioning systems. His training also includes a 30-hour course on the theory of piping design at Isfahan University of Technology and a 50-hour course on piping stress analysis using Ceasar II at the Mahan Institute in Arak. Furthermore, he attended a 16-hour project management and MSP course at Azad University (TUV) in Arak and completed a 30-hour modeling course in Catia at Azarab. He also holds a Master’s degree in fuel and combustion, with specialized training in computational fluid dynamics (CFD) and the thermal and hydraulic design of heat exchangers. His computer skills are comprehensive, including proficiency in Microsoft Office, programming in MATLAB and MATLAB Simulink, AutoCAD drawing, Aspen B-JAC, PVElite, Caesar II, and HYSYS.



Justyna Maliszewska-Nienartowicz – Energy policy – Women Researcher Award

Justyna Maliszewska-Nienartowicz – Energy policy – Women Researcher Award

Prof Dr. Justyna Maliszewska Nienartowicz distinguished academic and researcher in the field  Energy Policy. Since 2019, she has assumed the role of the Head of the Chair of European Studies at the Faculty of Political Science and Security Studies, further expanding her research into new areas. Her current focus includes the energy policy of the EU and its Member States, as well as the European Security System.

Throughout her academic journey, she has actively participated in numerous conferences, totaling over 30, including significant international events held in Budapest, Brussels, Brno, Strasbourg, Birmingham, Bergen, Rome, and Trier. These conferences have provided platforms for her to share and exchange insights with scholars and experts in her field, contributing to the broader discourse on European Studies and Law.

🌐 Professional Profiles



She pursued her Master’s Studies at the Faculty of Law and Administration at Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń from 1995 to 2000, laying the foundation for her academic journey in law.

In 2003, she achieved a significant milestone by earning her Ph.D., demonstrating her commitment to advancing knowledge and contributing to her field of expertise.

Her academic accomplishments continued with the attainment of habilitation in 2008, marking a recognition of her significant contributions to legal scholarship and research.

In 2016, she reached the pinnacle of her academic career, being appointed as a full professor. This prestigious title reflects her expertise, dedication, and leadership in the field of law, solidifying her position as an accomplished and respected academic within the legal community.

➢ Research interests:

energy policy of the EU and its Member States;
• European security, including the EU-NATO relations;
• issues related to the legal order of the European Union, in particular connected with
its values and general principles;
• forms of discrimination in the law of the European Union and its Member States;
• consumer protection policy and various aspects of the EU internal market;

🏆🏆Awards and HONORS🏆🏆

Throughout her career, she has garnered notable recognition and accolades for her outstanding contributions to research and education. In both 2005 and 2006, she received the Foundation for Polish Science awards for young researchers, acknowledging her scientific successes and promising contributions to her field.

Her consistent excellence in research has been acknowledged through multiple awards from the Rector of Nicolaus Copernicus University in 2004, 2009, 2011, 2013, 2017, and 2021, underscoring her significant achievements in the academic realm.

In 2017, she was honored with the Medal of the National Education Commission for her exceptional contribution to students’ education. This prestigious award recognizes her dedication and impact on fostering educational excellence, further highlighting her commitment to both research and the development of future scholars.



From 2008 to 2010, she actively participated in the grant titled “Theory and Practice of the Institutional Approach to Regional Development,” which was financially supported by the Croatian Government.

In the subsequent period from 2011 to 2013, she took on the role of supervisor for the grant on “Dyskryminacja pośrednia w prawie Unii Europejskiej: ewolucja, istota oraz relacje ze zbliżonymi koncepcjami prawnym” (Indirect Discrimination in European Union Law: Evolution, Essence, and Relations with Similar Legal Concepts). This project received funding from the National Centre of Science under decision no. DEC-2011/01/B/HS5/00965.

Her academic journey includes an Erasmus scholarship in Utrecht (the Netherlands) in 1998, followed by a Tempus scholarship in Hull (Great Britain) in 2001. In 2004, she was awarded a scholarship for young researchers in Oxford (Great Britain) and, later in 2010, received a senior researchers’ scholarship in Oxford as well. These experiences enriched her academic pursuits and contributed significantly to her research and knowledge in the respective fields.


▪ Ocena wpływu objęcia zakresem dyrektywy Parlamentu Europejskiego i Rady w sprawie
stosowania praw pacjenta w transgranicznej opiece zdrowotnej prywatnej opieki na
polski system opieki zdrowotnej w kontekście art. 152 TWE (2009, the Committee
for European Integration in Poland)
▪ Evaluation of the Implementation by Member States of Directive 2007/23/EC (2011, for
the European Commission, the agreement No. 30-CE-0389006/00-41)
▪ Kryteria dyskryminacji pośredniej –standardy europejskie a prawo i praktyka polskich
sądów (2015, Polish Society of Anti-Discrimination Law)

1) Ewolucja ochrony konsumenta w europejskim prawie wspólnotowym (ang. The
Evolution of Consumer Protection in the EC Law), Toruń 2004, 322 pages.
2) Porządek prawny Unii Europejskiej (z uwzględnieniem postanowień Traktatu
Konstytucyjnego) (ang. The Legal Order of the EU, including the Provisions of the
Constitutional Treaty), Toruń 2005, 247 pages.
3) Zasada proporcjonalności w prawie Wspólnot Europejskich (ang. The Principle of
Proportionality in the European Community Law), Toruń 2007, 572 pages.
4) System instytucjonalny i prawny Unii Europejskiej (ang. Institutional and Legal System
of the European Union), Toruń 2010, 411 pages.
5) Dyskryminacja pośrednia w prawie Unii Europejskiej (ang. Indirect Discrimination in
the European Union Law), Toruń 2012, 442 pages.
6) Dyskryminacja ze względu na religię, niepełnosprawność, wiek lub orientację
seksualną. Dyrektywa 2000/78 i orzecznictwo TS UE. Komentarz (ang. Discrimination
Based on Religion, Disability, Age or Sexual Orientation. Directive 2000/78 and the
Case Law of the Court of Justice of the EU. A Commentary.), Warsaw 2013, 191 pages.
7) Zasada proporcjonalności jako podstawa oceny legalności ograniczeń swobód rynku
wewnętrznego Unii Europejskiej (ang. The Principle of Proportionality as a Basis for
Assessing the Legality of Restrictions to Freedoms in the EU Internal Market), Toruń
2020, 359 pages.


1) Zasady ogólne prawa jako źródło europejskiego prawa wspólnotowego (ang. The
General Principles of Law as a Source of the EC Law), Państwo i Prawo 2005, 4: 23-
2) The Substance of the European Community Internal Market: the Control of Goods and
Persons at Internal Frontiers, Comparative Law Review 2006, 14: 19-32.
3) The Principle of Proportionality in the European Community Law – General
Characteristic and Practical Application, Journal of Law and Social Sciences of the
Faculty of Law, J. J. Strossmayer University in Osijek 2008, 1: 89-99.
4) Zasada rządów prawa w Unii Europejskiej (ang. The Rule of Law in the European
Union), Sprawy Międzynarodowe 2008, 4: 77-89.
5) Pregnancy Discrimination in the European Union Law – Its legal Character and the
Scope of Pregnant Women Protection, Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences
2013, vol. 4, 9: 441-448.
6) Discrimination Based on Disability: Comment on HK Danmark v. Dansk Almennyttigt
Boligselskab and Dansk Arbejdsgiverforening (Cases C-335/11 sand C-337/11), Polish
Review of International and European Law 2014, vol. 2, 4: 75-93.
7) Multiple discrimination and the European Union: what lessons can be learnt from
Canada and the US?, Anti-Discrimination Law Review 2017, 1: 106-124.
8) A new chapter in the EU counterterrorism policy? The main changes introduced by
the directive 2017/541 on combating terrorism, Polish Yearbook of International Law
2017, vol. 37: 185-201.
9) Piechowicz M., Maliszewska-Nienartowicz J., EU-NATO relations through the lens of
strategic documents, Romanian Journal of European Affairs 2020, vol. 20, 2: 18-35.
10) Accessibility for persons with disabilities as an important element of economic and
social development: the European Union case, European Research Studies Journal
2020, vol. 23, spec. issue 1: 1084-109