Pian Pu- Community invovement and sustainable tourism – Best Researcher Award

Pian Pu- community invovement and sustainable tourism – Best Researcher Award

Dr. Pain Pu  distinguished academic and researcher in the field Community invovement and sustainable tourism. She served as an instructor for the “Tibetan Society and Culture” course in English as part of the International Exchange Program at the International Exchange College of Sichuan University from September 2019 to December 2019. Between 2018 and 2020, she participated as a key member in the horizontal project of the Sichuan Academy of Social Sciences, titled “New Ideas for Ecotourism Along the Dujiangyan-Siguniang Mountain Railway Line.” Additionally, from January 2020 to May 2021, she was involved in the research and compilation of the “Oral History of Mountain Adventure in Siguniang Mountain.”

🌐 Professional Profile


She completed her Bachelor’s in Tourism Management at Zhejiang University from September 2007 to June 2011. Continuing her studies at the same institution, she earned her Master’s in Tourism Management between September 2012 and April 2015. Currently, she is pursuing her Ph.D. in Tourism Management at Sichuan University, a journey she began in September 2018

  • PianPu , Li Cheng, WHMS Samarathunga, Geoffrey Wall. Tour Guides’ Sustainable Tourism Practices in Host-Guest Interactions: When Tibet Meets the West[J], Tourism Review, 2023, Vol.78 No.3, pp. 808-833
  • Li Cheng, Pian Pu, Xue Zhang, Tingting Wang, Youhai Lu, Geoffrey Wall. Tourists’ psychological reactions and destination attachment following an earthquake in Jiuzhaigou, China[J], Current Issues in Tourism, 2022
  • PianPu, Ling XiaoPan, Liu Yong. Local residents’ perception of the impacts of mountain adventure tourism: The Case of Si-gunaing mountain range, Tibet. International Journal of Tourism Anthropology[J], 2021, Vol.8 No.3, pp. 193-212
  • Li Cheng, Wei Xurong, Pian Pu. Evaluation of Farmers’ Perception of Tourism Impacts and Attitude Differences in Ecological Corridors[J], Rural Economy, 2023, Issue 4
  • Pian Pu, Cheng Yang, Li Cheng, Yun Xing. Mountain Adventurer’s Personality Trait and Decision-making Based on Complexity Method: The Process and Effect[C]. Proceedings of the 2019 International Conference on Strategic Management
  • Xiurong Wei,PianPu,Li Cheng, Haiyue Jiang, Yong Liu. Ethnic community’s perception of benefit-sharing and participation intentions in National Park tourism in China: An asymmetric modeling approach,Ecological Indicator(accepted)
  • Liuying Huang, Pian Pu. Empirical Study on the Relationship between Brand Experience and Behavior Intention in Tibetan Homestay[C]. The 2013 (the 9th) Euro-Asia Conference on Environment and Corporate Social Responsibility – CSR and Corporate Governance Session
  • Liuying Huang, Pian Pu. “Out of Makye Ame, Where Is the Way Home” Business Management Case. (2013 Included in Zhejiang University Management School Case Database)
  • Pian Pu. “Study on the Influence of Brand Experience in Tibetan Homestays on Customer Behavior Intention”[D]. Master’s Thesis (Published in CNKI, Downloaded 3926 times, Cited 51 times)
  • Pian Pu. “Research on Improving Service Quality of Hotels in Tibet Based on Online Reviews – A Case Study of Lhasa”[D]. Outstanding Thesis of Zhejiang University, 2011.

Utku Zeybekoğlu – Global climate change – Best Researcher Award

Utku Zeybekoğlu – Global climate change – Best Researcher Award

Assoc Prof Dr. Utku Zeybekoglu  distinguished academic and researcher in the field Global climate Change.

🌐 Professional Profile


Utku Zeybekoğlu pursued his education and training with a focus on civil engineering and business administration. From 2016 to 2021, he completed a Philosophy of Doctorate in Civil Engineering at Ondokuz Mayis University, Graduate School in Samsun, Turkey. Prior to that, from 2015 to 2016, he earned a Master of Science in Civil Engineering from Pamukkale University, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences in Denizli, Turkey. His academic journey in civil engineering began with a Bachelor’s degree from Pamukkale University, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Civil Engineering, which he completed from 2009 to 2014. Simultaneously, Utku expanded his academic pursuits by obtaining a Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration from Anadolu University, Faculty of Business Administration, Department of Business Administration, in Eskisehir, Turkey, from 2015 to 2019. Additionally, from 2010 to 2015, he completed an undergraduate degree in Public Relations and Advertising at Anadolu University, Faculty of Open Education, Department of Marketing and Advertisement, also in Eskisehir, Turkey.


Utku Zeybekoğlu has built a robust career in academia, currently serving as an Assistant Professor (Ph.D.) at Sinop University Boyabat Vocational School of Higher Education in Boyabat, Sinop, Turkey, a position he has held since 2023. Prior to this role, he was a Lecturer (Ph.D.) at the same institution from 2021 to 2023. Before earning his doctorate, he worked as a Lecturer (M.Sc.) from 2017 to 2021 at Sinop University Boyabat Vocational School of Higher Education, demonstrating his commitment to education and continuous professional development.

  • Gunduz, F., & Zeybekoglu, U. (2024). Analysis of temperature and precipitation series of
    Hirfanli Dam Basin by Mann Kendall, Spearman’s Rho and Innovative Trend Analysis. Turkish
    Journal of Engineering. 8(1), 11-19. https://doi.org/10.31127/tuje.1177522
  • Kir, G., Ulke Keskin, A., & Zeybekoglu, U., (2023). Clustering of Black Sea Region Stations Using KMeans, Fuzzy CMeans and Silhouette Index Analysis Methods. Resilience Journal, 7(2), 325-337.
  • Selçuk Öztürk, D., Ülke Keskin, A., & Zeybekoğlu, U. (2023). Meteorological and Hydrological
    Drought Analysis of The Kızılırmak Basin. Black Sea Journal of Agriculture, 6(4), 427-438.
  • Kir, G., Ülke Keskin, A., & Zeybekoğlu, U. (2023). Clustering of precipitation in the Black Sea
    Region with by Fuzzy C-Means and Silhouette Index Analysis. Black Sea Journal of
    Engineering and Science, 6(3), 210-218. https://doi.org/10.34248/bsengineering.12967344
  • Kir, G., Ülke Keskin, A., & Zeybekoğlu, U. (2023). Clustering of Black Sea Region Meteorology
    Observation Stations Using Wind Speed Values. Ordu University Journal of Science and
    Tecnology, 13(1), 44-58. https://doi.org/10.54370/ordubtd.1275677
  • • Ülke Keskin, A., Kir, G., & Zeybekoğlu, U. (2023). Evaluation of The Homogeneity and Trends
    of Precipitation, Temperature and Wind Speed Parameters in The Black Sea Region. Journal
    of Sustainable Engineering Applications and Technological Developments, 6(1), 129–145.
  • Zeybekoglu, U. (2023). Temperature series analysis of the Hirfanli Dam basin with the MannKendall and Sequential Mann-Kendall Tests. Turkish Journal of Engineering. 7(4), 306-313.
  • Zeybekoglu, U., & Ulke Keskin, A. (2022). Homogeneity Analysis of Turkish Rainfall Intensity
    Series. Journal of Sustainable Engineering Practices and Technological Developments, 5(2),
    123-137. https://doi.org/10.51764/smutgd.1097444
  • • Aktürk, G., Zeybekoglu, U., & Yildiz, O. (2022). Drought Investigation Using SPI and SPEI
    Methods: A Case Study in Kırıkkale. International Journal of Engineering Research and
    Development, 14(2), 762-776. https://doi.org/10.29137/umagd.1100886

Hemamalini Rawindran – Life Cycle Analysis Award – Best Researcher Award

Hemamalini Rawindran – Life Cycle Analysis Award – Best Researcher Award

Dr. Hemamalini Rawindran distinguished academic and researcher in the field Life Cycle Analysis. As a Research Officer at Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS in 2023, she was primarily engaged in a project funded by Yayasan UTP focused on analyzing the nutritional values of protein-rich microalgae-palm kernel expeller bio-composite feeds. Additionally, she conducted Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) studies pertaining to membrane utilization for remediating microalgal wastewater and the upcycling of microplastics in marine environments.

Transitioning to her role as a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at Universiti Teknologi Malaysia from September 2023 to the present, she has been actively involved in a HiCoE project grant. Her responsibilities include the development of a solid matrix polymer inclusion membrane, where she is tasked with creating a mathematical model to evaluate electrodriven ion flux into the membrane. Moreover, she conducts sustainable metric analyses on the polymer inclusion membrane and assesses ion migration using a dual casting solution approach. In addition to her research duties, she is also involved in reviewing technical papers and converting findings into coherent paragraphs for publication.


🌐 Professional Profiles


She holds a PhD in Science by Research (Grade A) from Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS, completed between 2020 and 2023, which was funded by the prestigious HiCoE grant focusing on the thermochemical conversion of biomass. During her doctoral studies, she notably contributed to the development of a novel attached microalgal system and spent three months on a Fellowship under AMTEC at UTM. She demonstrated remarkable productivity by authoring 7 papers and co-authoring 20 papers. Additionally, she supervised 7 Final Year Project (FYP) students, resulting in 3 Q1 and 1 Q2 publications. Furthermore, she actively participated in educational activities, conducting laboratory sessions and tutorials for undergraduate (UG) students. She also provided assistance to UG students in virtual reality and augmented reality STEM-based classes, showcasing her commitment to fostering learning environments. Her academic excellence was recognized with the High Achiever Award and Graduate on Time (GOT) award.

Prior to her doctoral studies, she completed her Master’s in Science by Research (Grade B) at Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS from 2016 to 2019. This program, funded by a PETRONAS Research grant, focused on the elimination of surfactants in produced water from Enhanced Oil Recovery. During this time, she authored 2 papers and gained valuable experience through conducting laboratory and tutorial sessions for foundation students. She also spent one year on attachment at AMTEC, UTM, focusing on membrane development.

Her academic journey began with a Bachelor’s degree in Chemistry and Biology from Tunku Abdul Rahman College / Campbell University, USA, which she completed from 2011 to 2014. Her Final Year Project (FYP) explored the effect of carbonated beverages on human tooth density, and she graduated with Second Upper Class honors.

Research Colloborations

She has actively engaged in various collaborations with prestigious institutions such as the University of Tasmania (UTas), Australia, Petronas Research Sdn Bhd, Aston University, UK, and AMTEC at UTM. Notably, her collaborative efforts have led to significant contributions in several areas.

One of her notable achievements includes the development of a polymer inclusion membrane using a dual-solution casting approach, aimed at enhancing membrane technology. Additionally, she conducted a comprehensive review on the environmental sustainability aspects, focusing on the greenness of polymer inclusion membranes.

Moreover, she demonstrated her commitment to sustainability by repurposing spent coffee grounds for cultivating attached microalgae, as highlighted in Aston University’s bulletin. This innovative approach garnered attention for its eco-friendly application.

Her research findings have been published in high-impact journals, including a notable publication in a Q1 journal with an Impact Factor (IF) of 15.9 (RSER) in 2017-2018, focusing on the development of PVDF-TiO2 membrane for treating oil and gas surfactant-rich wastewater. Additionally, her work during a three-month fellowship in 2021 resulted in publications in two journals: one with a Q2 IF of 2.6 (Molecular Biotechnology) and another with a Q1 IF of 8.9 (Environmental Research), focusing on the development of a PET membrane from waste drinking bottles for treating microalgal harvested wastewater.

Furthermore, she successfully completed a mini-project funded by Petronas Research Sdn Bhd (PRSB), where she developed a membrane validation method for Petronas surfactants using HPLC. This endeavor resulted in the development of a membrane capable of treating surfactant-rich produced water with an impressive 98% rejection rate, as published in a Q1 journal with an IF of 11.1 (JCP).

Throughout her collaborations and individual projects, she has consistently demonstrated her expertise and dedication to advancing sustainable membrane technologies and addressing environmental challenges in various industrial sectors.


Mohammad anas shamsi | Computational Biochemistry

Assist Prof Dr. Mohammad anas shamsi | Computational Biochemistry

Academician/Research Scholar

Congratulations, Assist Prof Dr. Mohammad anas shamsi , on winning the esteemed Best Researcher Award from Sfconference! Your dedication, innovative research, and scholarly contributions have truly made a significant impact in your field. Your commitment to advancing knowledge and pushing the boundaries of research is commendable. Here’s to your continued success in shaping the future of academia and making invaluable contributions to your field. Well done!

Wishing you continued success and many more milestones in your illustrious research journey. Your impact on the field is truly commendable and serves as a beacon of inspiration for aspiring researchers.

Warmest congratulations once again on this well-deserved recognition!


Professional Profiles:

📚 Education

  1. B.Sc. 2011 AligarhMuslimUniversity,India Biochemistry- IInd Faculty Topper
  2. M. Sc. 2013 AligarhMuslimUniversity,India Biochemistry -Ist Division
  3. Ph.D. 2017 AligarhMuslimUniversity,India
  4. Ph.D.ThesisTitle:BiochemicalStudiesonBuffaloandRatKidneyCystatin


  1. (a) FieldofSpecialization:  Biochemistry SpecializedField: Bioinformatics Drug Design and Discovery Computational Biochemistry.


  • Full Time ResearcherAffiliation: Centre of Medical and Bio‑allied Health Sciences Research Period: December 2022-Present
  • D.S. Kothari Postdoctoral FellowAffiliation: Centre for Interdisciplinary Research in Basic Sciences, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi, India Period: 2020-2022
  • National Postdoctoral FellowAffiliation: Centre for Interdisciplinary Research in Basic Sciences, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi, India Period: 2018-2020
  • Senior Research FellowAffiliation: Department of Biochemistry, Aligarh Muslim University, UP, INDIA Period: 2017-2017
  • Junior Research FellowAffiliation: Department of Biochemistry, Aligarh Muslim University, UP, INDIA Period: 2015-2017


  • Academic Honorsand Awards

>  Best Presenter at Science Day – Jamia Millia Islamia 2021.

>   Dr.D.S.KothariPostdoctoral  – UniversityGrantsCommission 2020.

>   NationalPostdoctoralAward  – DepartmentofScience& Technology 2017.

>   BestOralPresentationAwardatPHOENIX2017   -MangaloreUniversity 2017.

>   YoungResearchScientistAward –GlobalResearchand 2017.

>   DevelopmentServices BestPaperPresenterAward – 7th International Conference onBiotechnology, Bio                       Informatics,BioMedicalSciencesandStem CellApplications(B3SC) 2017.


📚 Publications 




David Noncent | Climate Change

Dr. David Noncent | Climate Change

Academician/Research Scholar

Congratulations, Dr. David Noncent , on winning the esteemed Best Researcher Award from Sfconference! Your dedication, innovative research, and scholarly contributions have truly made a significant impact in your field. Your commitment to advancing knowledge and pushing the boundaries of research is commendable. Here’s to your continued success in shaping the future of academia and making invaluable contributions to your field. Well done!

Wishing you continued success and many more milestones in your illustrious research journey. Your impact on the field is truly commendable and serves as a beacon of inspiration for aspiring researchers.

Warmest congratulations once again on this well-deserved recognition!


Professional Profiles:

📚 Education

  1. 2023 – Doctor of Philosophy of Environmental Sciences (Mention: Climate change). Laboratoire
    d’Océanographie et du Climat (LOCEAN)-IRD, France & Equipe de Recherche sur le Changement
    Climatique (ERC2)
  2. 2012 – Master “Chemistry and Microbiology of Water”.Université de Poitiers. Poitiers, PoitouCharentes, France
  3. 2008 – Bachelor’s degree in Chemistry. Université d’Etat d’Haïti – Ecole Normale Supérieure : Portau-Prince, Haït


  1. Co-leader of the Research Team on Climate Change (ERC2). Since January 2022
  2.  Deputy Head of the Polyvalent Laboratory of Université Quisqueya. Since 2017.
  3. Academic Director of ESUMECH. Since 2018.


  • Since 2013 Teacher-researcher. Université Quisqueya et Université d’Etat d’Haïti : Port-au-Prince,
  • 2017-2018 Internship. “Assessment of polymetallic contamination of surface sediments in the
    downstream area of Ho Chi Minh City”. Centre Asiatique de Recherche sur l’Eau CARE HCMUT,
    HCMCity Vietnam: Ho Chi Minh City, VN
  • 2012-2013 Internship. “Study of the impact of a pretreatment by electron accelerator on the
    membrane filtration of wastewater treatment plant effluents (STEP)”. Institut de Chimie des Milieux
    et des Matériaux de Poitiers: Poitiers, France.
  • 2010 – 2008. Teacher (chemistry). Centre Culturel Classique de Pétion-Ville

📚 Publications 

  1. A 1000-year record of paleoclimate and paleoenvironment change inferred from sedimentary organic matter in Lake  Azuei, Haiti
  2. Hydroclimate reconstruction during the last 1000 years inferred from the mineralogical and geochemical composition of a sediment core from Lake-Azuei (Haiti

      3. Sedimentological and geochemical data in bed sediments from a tropical river-estuary system impacted by a                   developing megacity, Ho Chi Minh City – Vietnam