Yasemin ATEŞEYAN – Public Health Nursing – Top Researcher Award

Yasemin ATEŞEYAN – Public Health Nursing – Top Researcher Award

🌐 Professional Profile


She earned her Bachelor’s degree in Nursing from Gülhane Military Medical Academy School of Nursing in 2012. She then pursued a Master’s degree in Public Health Nursing at Gaziantep University, completing it in 2017. Continuing her education at Gaziantep University, she obtained a Ph.D. in Nursing, specializing in Public Health Nursing, in 2021.



  • Ateşeyan Y, Güngörmüş Z. Evidence-BasedPracticalCompetencies of NursingStudents. EurasianJournal of HealthSciences6 (1), 1-10, 2022
  • Özcanarslan N, Ateşeyan Y, Özel A, Coşkun Ö. Determiningthe Internet AddictionLevelsandRelatedFactors of AdministrativeStaffWorking in a UniversityHospital. Gevher NesıbeJournal Of MedıcalAndHealthScıences 7 (17), 13-21, 2022.
  • Ateşeyan Y, Güngörmüş Z. (2022).Evaluatıon of COVID-19 PerceptıonsandComplıanceWıthIsolatıonPrecautıonsof HealthProfessıonalsWıthınScopeof HealthBelıef Model. GöbeklitepeInternational Journal Of MedicalSciences, 5 (7), 148-162.
  • Zıvdır P, Ateşeyan Y, Özcanarslan N. (2022). TurkıshSocıety’sAttıtudetoVıolenceAgaınstWomen. Göbeklitepe International Journal Of MedicalSciences. 5 (7), 66-74.
  • Ateşeyan Y,Ateşeyan K, Ateşeyan H, Yılmaz H. (2023). ConsciousAwareness in Peer Bullying (Mindfulness). Journal of HealthSciencesandClinicalResearch. 1(2):23-31.
  • Ateşeyan Y, Bayülgen M Y, Özcanarslan N, Yeşilyurt P Z,Çetın Ö. (2023).NURSES’ BelıefsAndAttıtudesTowardsEnteral/ParenteralNutrıtıon (Hemşirelerin Enteral/Parenteral Beslenmeye Yönelik İnanç veTutumları). YOBU Faculty of HealthSciencesJournal, 4(2), 83-93.

Chia-Wen Lu – Preventive medicine – Best Researcher Award

Chia-Wen Lu – Preventive medicine – Best Researcher Award

Assoc Prof Dr. Chia-wen-Lu  distinguished academic and researcher in the field Preventive Medicine. She has been an attending physician in the Department of Family Medicine at the National Taiwan University Hospital since 2013. In addition to her clinical role, she has served as a clinical lecturer in the Department of Family Medicine at the College of Medicine, National Taiwan University since 2016. Her academic career progressed as she became a clinical assistant professor in 2019, and she has recently been appointed as a clinical associate professor in the same department in 2024.

🌐 Professional Profile


She earned her M.Sc. from the Graduate Institute of Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine, College of Public Health, National Taiwan University in 2013, and her M.D. from the College of Medicine, National Cheng Kung University in 2007. Currently, she is a Ph.D. candidate at the Graduate Institute of Clinical Medicine, National Taiwan University College of Medicine. Her clinical training includes serving as a resident in the Department of Family Medicine at the National Taiwan University Hospital, Yun-Lin Branch from 2008 to 2012, and as a fellow in the same department at the National Taiwan University Hospital from 2012 to 2013.

Clinical specialist

Obesity and Metabolic Syndrome

-Preventive Medicine

-Travel Medicine

Professional Memberships

She is an active member of the Taiwan Association of Family Medicine and serves as the Secretary-General for both the Taiwan Medical Association for the Study of Obesity and the Taiwan Medical Association for Comprehensive Care of Chronic Diseases. Additionally, she holds memberships in the Taiwan Medical Association of Human Nutrition, the Taiwan Academy of Hospice Palliative Medicine, the Taiwan Association for International Health, and the Taiwanese Osteoporosis Association.


Arezoo Saedi – consumer health question answering – Innovative Researcher Award

Arezoo Saedi – consumer health question answering – Innovative Researcher Award

Ms. Arezoo Saedi  Han Zhang distinguished academic and researcher in the field Consumer Health question answering.

🌐 Professional Profile


She holds a PhD in Computer Science with a specialization in Software Engineering from the University of Isfahan, where she achieved a GPA of 18.69/20. Her doctoral thesis, titled “Collaborative Management of Task-Oriented Dialogue System to Satisfy User Intention,” focuses on the proactive, collaborative management of task-oriented dialogues, emphasizing user preferences. Her research initially developed an entity search system leveraging reviews about entities. Subsequently, grounded in this entity search system, she created a dialogue system incorporating an innovative dialogue manager and in-context learning of large language models. Prior to her PhD, she completed her MSc in Computer Science, also specializing in Software Engineering at the University of Isfahan, with a GPA of 18.04/20. Her master’s thesis, “Consumer Health Question Classification in a Question Answering System,” addressed the classification of questions as a crucial component of the consumer health question-answering system. In this thesis, she developed a transformer-based methodology to classify consumer health questions effectively, distinguishing them from general consumer inquiries and physicians’ clinical queries. She began her academic journey with a BSc in Computer Science, specializing in Software Engineering, from the University of Isfahan, achieving a GPA of 17.53/20


She served as a Visiting Researcher at Paris-Saclay University from 2021 to 2022, where she worked on her PhD thesis, “Collaborative Management of Task-Oriented Dialogue System to Satisfy User Intention,” under the co-supervision of Dr. Sophie Rosset and Dr. Anne Vilnat, in collaboration with her thesis advisors at the University of Isfahan. During her stay at Paris-Saclay, she completed rigorous academic research writing and presentation courses that significantly influenced her approach to conducting research. These courses helped her develop the ability to identify research gaps, formulate compelling hypotheses, and systematically investigate them. For example, during the initial phase of her thesis research, she encountered challenges related to data scarcity. Through proactive discussions with her supervisors, she effectively tackled this issue by sourcing valuable and pertinent data, enabling her to construct a comprehensive dataset. Additionally, she was an instructor for the “Principle of Compiler Design” course at the University of Isfahan’s Computer Engineering Department for two semesters from February 2019 to February 2020, where she was responsible for course planning, delivering lectures, and designing assessments for this undergraduate course

Research Focus

She has received numerous honors and awards throughout her academic career. In the summer of 2017, she was awarded honorary admission to the PhD program in Software Engineering for outstanding academic achievement by the University of Isfahan Graduate Studies. From 2014 to 2017, she ranked among the top three students within the Master’s program, achieving the highest position among those specializing in Data Management. During her undergraduate studies from 2010 to 2014, she was ranked as the second top student. She achieved first place in the semi-centralized stage of the 19th Iranian National Collegiate Scientific Olympiad in Computer Engineering in Spring 2014 and was granted honorary admission to the MS program in Software Engineering for exceptional academic achievement by the University of Isfahan Graduate Studies in Spring 2014. Additionally, she attained the 34th position in the final stage of the same Olympiad held in the summer of 2014. Throughout her high school years at Sampad High School, she consistently ranked within the top three students. Furthermore, she received a scholarship from the University of Isfahan to undertake a visiting researcher position at the University of Paris-Saclay, focusing on her PhD thesis.

