Nitesh Kumar Mourya – Geography – Best Researcher Award

Nitesh Kumar Mourya – Geography- Best Researcher Award

Dr. Nitesh Kumar Mourya  distinguished academic and researcher in the field Geography. He is a highly skilled GIS and Remote Sensing professional proficient in tools such as ArcGIS Desktop and Pro, ERDAS Imagine, Global Mapper, QGIS, and Google Earth Engine, with a proven track record of achieving a 0.97 Kappa accuracy in Land Use/Land Cover (LULC) classification. Holding a master’s degree in Geography and Diploma in GIS and Remote Sensing, he is motivated to pursue a Ph.D. in Physical, Environmental, Urban, Economical, and Population Geography, contributing to cutting-edge research. His keen observation of natural features, coupled with a deep understanding of geomorphic processes, climate change, human and environment interaction studies, rapid environment change, etc., fuels his development of self-hypotheses and testing those, including insights into plate tectonics. Eager to apply his skills and contribute to advancements in geography, he is equally enthusiastic about securing a corporate role in GIS and Remote Sensing, leveraging his expertise to drive innovation and make meaningful contributions in a professional setting. Never Ever Settle, Eagar to learn, perform, and research.

🌐 Professional Profile


He completed his M.A. / M.Sc. in Geography from the University of Rajasthan in December 2020, and his B.A. in Geography, History, and Political Science from the same university in June 2017, achieving 55.7% and 50% marks respectively (with Geography at 58.5%). His expertise lies in Physical Geography. Additionally, he pursued a Computer Hardware Diploma at Statisworld Education in October 2012, where he learned about computer hardware assembling, issue troubleshooting, and hardware replacement. Furthermore, he obtained a Diploma in Computer Application (DCA) from DOS Computer Information Technology, Jaipur (Rajasthan), India in August 2012, gaining proficiency in various computer applications.

Working Experience

❖ GIS-Faculty / Analyst
GeoCatalog – Institute of Geoinformatics and Research (From June 2021).
• GIS-Analysist, PhD Consultancy GIS and Remote Sensing earth observation related science, Teaching,
Revenue mapping projects.
❖ GIS-Faculty
Swastik Edustart – (February 2022 to July 2023).
• Teaching GIS and Remote Sensing, Assist PhD Scholars with GIS-RS techniques research application.
• Expertise in generating highly accurate Land Use Land Cover with different models and algorithms, change
analysis, and predication.
❖ Internship (Corporate)
Tech Culture (New-Delhi) (3rd August to 3
rd November 2020, been 31 January 2021)
• Digitizing building footprint and correcting available vector data

Workshops / Conferences

❖ Urban Health Hazard and Preparedness in Global Pandemic COVID-19, National Webinar,
on 2 May 2020.
Department of Geography, Shaheed Bhagat Singh College, University of Delhi (India).
❖ Future cities, Sustainable Development and Geospatial Technologies, National Online Conference, on
24 May 2020.
Department of Studies and Research in Geography, Rani Channamma University, Karnataka (India).
• Paper presented on, “Spatio-Temporal Analysis of Shoreline Change Along Jagatsinghpur.”
❖ The Science of Places: Exploring the Career Goals and Competencies of Future Geographers, Webinar,
on 31 May 2020.
School of Basic and Applied Sciences & Department of Geography, Adam University.
❖ Implication of Covid-19 on local & Regional Sustainable Development: A Global Perspective, International
E-Conference, on 27-28 June 2020.
International Geography Union (IGU) – INDIA.
• Paper presented on “Urban Growth Predication Using Geospatial Techniques: A Case Study of
Jaipur, Rajasthan, India.”
❖ Earth Resources Management in Current Scenario, One Day Virtual Symposium, on 05 September 2020.
Suresh Gyan Vihar University.
❖ 5th World Congress on Disaster Management, 24-27 November 2021
Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi.
• Paper presented on “Assessment of Chemicals Hazard and Resilience in an Educational Setup:
Acase study of Jamia Millia Islamia University, India.”
November 2022.
Department of Geography, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi
•Paper presented on “AHP integrated GIS based Landslide Susceptibility Mapping in the
Garhwal Himalayan Region of India.”
❖ Building Urban Resilience through Advanced Technology,
Amity University and National Disaster Management
• Learned about building urban resilience and developing urban green space, improving urban


➢ Physical GeographyGeomorphology (Paleo-Tectonics, ground water depletion impact on land use,
Coastal Environment, Climate Change, Palaeo-climate, Micro-Climate, Air Quality and Pollution,
Heat Waves, Tropical Cyclones – survival time on land surface and sea surface temperature
correlation with cyclone intensity, Global Worming in Mountainous Region.
➢ Urban Geography – Urban expansion among developed and under develop countries, Urban
Environment Change, Urban Climate Change in Mountainous and Non-mountainous cities, Urban
HeatIsland, Heat Waves impact.
➢ Population Geography – Agriculture development in context of increasing population technical
calculation on Marxian theory, Increase Population and food availability in future, Population of Indian is
higher as per availability of resources.
➢ Environment or Environmental Geography – Deforestation and Carbon Sequestration, Environment
Protection and Urban Ecology, Ozone Depletion.
➢ GIS and Remote Sensing – Machine Learning based model application in Earth Observation or
Geography, Calculating Efficiency of Machine Learning model, LULC change and Prediction, Actual
LULC extraction on behalf of reflectance energy or ground truthing, Flood and other Disaster Studies
through SAR data application, GIS and RS application in Geospatial Research.


➢ Land Use/ Land Cover Dynamics Study and Prediction In Jaipur City using CA Markov Model Integrated
with Road Network, Published at GeoJournal, DOI: 10.1007/s10708-022-10593-9.
➢ Forest carbon sequestration mapping and economic quantification infusing MLPnn-Markov chain and
InVEST carbon model in Askot Wildlife Sanctuary, Western Himalaya, Published at Ecological
Informatics, DOI: 10.1016/j.ecoinf.2023.102428 (
➢ Evaluation of Shoreline Alteration Along the Jagatsinghpur District Coast, India (1990-2020) Using Dsas,
SSRN Electronic Journal (DOI: (Under Revision at Ocean and Coastal Management).
➢ Assessment of Chemicals Hazard and Resilience in an Educational Setup: A case study of Jamia Millia
Islamia University, India, Accepted at Indian Journal of Environmental Protection.
➢ Evaluating the Efficiency of ML based LULC Prediction Models (CA Markov and MOLUSCE),
submitted to Technological Forecasting & Social Change.

Samin Ansari Mahabadi – Climate Change – Best Researcher Award

Samin Ansari Mahabadi -Climate change

Dr. Samin Ansari Mahabadi distinguished academic and researcher in the field of climate change. Her academic journey commenced with a Bachelor’s degree in Irrigation Engineering from the Department of Water Sciences, Faculty of Agriculture and Natural Resources at Tehran University, Iran, spanning from 2002 to 2006. Throughout her educational endeavors, she has demonstrated a keen interest in the intersection of water resources, climate change, and adaptive strategies, establishing a strong foundation for a comprehensive understanding of these critical fields.



She completed her academic journey with a Ph.D. in Water Resources Engineering from the College of Abureyhan at the University of Tehran, Iran, spanning from 2013 to February 2019. Her doctoral research, conducted under the guidance of Dr. Alireza Massah Bavani and Dr. Ali Bagheri, focused on the application of Post Modern Portfolio Theory in water resources to enhance adaptive capacity to climate change. During her academic pursuit, she had the opportunity to further enrich her knowledge as a Visiting Scholar at the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission in Ispra, Italy, from March 2018 to June 2018.

Prior to her doctoral studies, she earned a Master’s degree in Water Civil Engineering from the College of Engineering, Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Branch, Tehran, Iran, between 2009 and 2011. Her Master’s thesis, titled “Impact of Climate Change on Groundwater Table and Balance in the Future Periods,” was conducted under the supervision of Professor Abolfazl Shamsai, with guidance from Dr. Alireza Massah Bavani.

Professional Profiles:

Research Interests
• Application of systems analysis, optimization, simulation, and modeling methods to
water resource problems such as quality simulation of River-reservoir systems,
quantity and quality Simulation of groundwater resources, and Rainfall-runoff
processes modeling.
• Evaluating environmental, hydrological, and socio-economic Climate Change
Impacts and Adaptation
• System Dynamics
• Remote sensing
• Data analysis and Statistic method
• making-decision tools

Summary of Qualifications

She possesses a robust set of qualifications and skills that uniquely position her as an expert in the field of water resources engineering. Proficient in a diverse range of modeling software such as SWAT, GMS, MMS, VENSIM, SIMULINK, MODFLOW, WEAP, MODSIM, Arc GIS, HEC Geo RAS, HEC-RAS, HEC_HMS, IHACRES, LARS-WG, LINGO, and NETWAT, she has demonstrated a comprehensive understanding of various tools essential for water resource management. Additionally, her expertise extends to computer programming languages, including FORTRAN, R, MATLAB, and Python, enabling her to develop and implement sophisticated computational models. Moreover, she is adept at utilizing statistical software such as MINITAB, SPSS, and EVIEWS, along with proficiency in AUTOCAD. With this diverse skill set, she stands well-equipped to contribute significantly to research and projects in the domain of water resources, leveraging her technical proficiency and analytical capabilities.

Work Experience

Since 2019, she has been dedicatedly serving as a full-time researcher at the Water Research Institute of the Ministry of Energy in Tehran, Iran. In this role, she has undertaken diverse responsibilities in the field of hydrology and water resources management. As a project manager, she oversees initiatives focused on capacity building for policy research in the water sector, planning and allocating water resources with considerations for sustainability and watershed resilience, and facilitating water sharing among provinces within catchment basins based on principles of sustainable development encompassing economic, societal, and environmental aspects.

She plays a pivotal role in crafting international and national proposals for projects such as enhancing adaptive capacity to climate change, investigating the impacts of climate variability and human activities on basin runoff, and developing integrated supply and demand management programs for various water consumption sectors. Her proactive involvement extends to participation in international meetings, representing the institute at the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.

Furthermore, she takes charge of organizing scientific workshops, planning and executing fieldwork, and actively engages in ongoing projects, including the investigation of the uncertainty of Global Climate Change Models (CMIP6) results and forecasting climate variables while evaluating their effects on Iranian basins. As a responsible expert and project engineer, she contributes significantly to the separation of the effects of climate variability and human activities on basin runoff, further showcasing her expertise and commitment to advancing water-related research and management practices.

• System Engineering to Undergraduate Students, 2015, Taha Institute of Higher
Education, Engineering College.
• System Engineering to Undergraduate Students, 2016, Taha Institute of Higher
Education, Engineering College.
• Hydrologic Engineering to Undergraduate Students, 2016, Taha Institute of Higher
Education, Engineering College.
• Engineering Economy to Undergraduate Students, 2016, Taha Institute of Higher
Education, Engineering College.
• M.Sc., Thesis Title: “Groundwater Modeling to Determine the Sanitary Boundaries
of drinking wells by GMS Model and Comparison it with the WHAEM Model”, 2011,
College of Abureyhan, University of Tehran, Iran.
• M.Sc., Thesis Title: “Investigating climate change adaptation strategies on wetland
ecosystem services using system dynamics model”, 2023, University of Tehran, Iran.
• M.Sc., Thesis Title: “Adaptation of Tashk wetland to Climate change based on
resilience index using system dynamics”, 2023, University of Tehran, Iran.
Research Cooperator:
• M.Sc., Thesis Title: “Impact of Climate Change on Fluctuations Groundwater Surface
Levels in the Future Periods”, 2014, College of Abureyhan, University of Tehran, Iran.
• Reviewer in the Journal of Environmental Management
• Reviewer in IPCC (Expert Reviewers of the Working Group II Contribution to the IPCC
Sixth Assessment Report)
• Reviewer in Water and Soil Management and Modeling
Research studies:
• Guide delineating the qualitative boundaries of Karst springs to prepare national
instructions (A case study of Sarab Daryab spring, Lorestan)
• Simulation of single reservoir water resources system using MODSIM software (Case
study of water allocation in single reservoir basin of Zab river)
• Zoning of the inherent vulnerability of the Marand Plain aquifer versus use using the
DRASTIC method
Workshops and Training Program Attendance:
• Attending at Integrated Modeling of Basin workshop, (Urmia Lake Basin), 2013.
• Attending in Python programming workshop, in 2020.
• Attending in SWAT model workshop, 2021.
• Training extract and analyze data from the sixth climate change report, 2021 and 2022.
• Training methods of separation of the effects of climate variability and human activities
on runoff, 2022.


Journal Papers
1. Ansari, S., Massah Bavani, A., Roozbahani, A., (2015). “Examination of the Effects of Climate
Change on Groundwater Recharge (Case Study: Sefid Dasht Plain). Journal of Water & Soil,
30(2). (In Persian)
2. Ansari, S., Massah, AR., Bagheri, A., (2019). “Evaluation of Adaptation Strategies to Climate
Change based on Social, Economic, and Environmental Water Security Indicators”. Journal of
Iran-Water Resources Research, 30(2), 416-431. (In Persian)
3. Ansari, S., Massah, AR., Bagheri, A., (2018). “Increasing System Adaptation Capacity to
Climate Change Effects, Using Post Modern Portfolio Theory”. Journal of Ecohydrology &
Hydrobiology, 18(4), 365-78.
4. Ansari, S., Dehban, H., Zareian, MJ., Farkhonia, A., (2021). “Investigation of temperature and
precipitation changes in the country’s basins in the next 20 years based on the output of CMIP6
model”. Iranian Water Research Journal, 43(4). (In Persian)
5.  Ansari, S., Bagheri, A., Massah, AR., (2023). “Reducing vulnerability to the climate change
Reversibility and transformation adopting in a hydro-economic model”. Environmental
Development, 47, p.100893.
6.  Ansari, S., Delavar, M. (2024). “Evaluation and Comparison of Different Methods for
Determining the Contribution of Climatic Factors and Human Interventions in Reducing
Watershed Discharge”. Journal of Ecological Indicators, V158.
Conference Proceedings
1. Ansari, S., Shamsai, A., Massah, AR., (2011). “Groundwater level changes Modeling of
Seffid Dasht plan, Using GMS Model”, In 2nd Iranian National Conference on Applied Research
in Water Resources, 14 May 2011, Zanjan, Iran.
2. Ansari, S., Shamsai, A., Massah, AR., (2012). “Evaluation of Climate change impacts on
runoff in future period”, In 3rd National Conference on Comprehensive Water Resources
Management, 10 Sep 2012, Sari, Iran.
3.  Ansari, S., Shamsai, A., Massah, AR., (2012). “Groundwater level and budget Simulation
under the influence of climate change in future period”, In 5th National Conference on
Watershed & Soil & Water Resources Management, 29 Feb 2012, Kerman, Iran.
4.  Ansari, S., Khoei, Sh., Massah, AR., (2012). “The impact of climate change on Urmia Lake,
case study: Variation of Zarrinehrood river discharge”, In 6th International Conference on
Challenges and Solutions, 10 Dec 2012, Urmia, Iran.
5. Mesmari, Z., Massah, AR., Ansari, S., (2014). “Prepare of aquifer hydraulic conductivity and
specific yield Plan by GMS Model”, In 1st E- Conference of new finding in the environment
and agricultural ecosystems, University of Tehran, Iran.
6. Ansari, S., Najafi, H., Javadi Pirbazari, S., (2015). “Conclusions and provide information
Framework on how to select a method for defining the qualitative boundary of Karst springs”,
In 1st National Conference on Water Sciences, 8 Jun 2015, Tehran, Iran. Getting Award as the