Pilar Giraldo – Medical field – Lifetime achievement Award

Pilar Giraldo – Medical field – Lifetime achievement Award

Dr. Pilar Giraldo distinguished academic and researcher in the field Identification of patient-reported outcome measures and patient-reported experience measures in Gaucher disease in Spain. Dr. Pilar Giraldo Castellano appears highly suitable for the Research for Lifetime Achievement Award based on her extensive contributions and accomplishments in the field of hematology, particularly focusing on rare diseases.

🌐 Professional Profile


  • PhD in Medicine and accredited as a Full Professor by ANECA.
  • Master’s in Research Methodology and Molecular Oncology.
  • Coordinator of Doctorate studies at University San Jorge.
  • Research and Publications:

    • Head of research group Unit 752 of the Center for Biomedical Research Network on Rare Diseases (CIBERER).
    • Published over 140 articles in peer-reviewed journals, more than 20 book chapters, and 5 monographs.
    • Holds 5 patents related to her field.
  • Leadership in Research Projects:

    • Principal Investigator in numerous significant projects, such as the National Plan project TED2021-131518B-C32.
    • Directed more than 20 doctoral theses.
    • Led various research initiatives focusing on lysosomal diseases and other hematological conditions.
  • International Recognition and Collaboration:

    • Organized national and international congresses, including the 12th EWGGD Congress in 2016.
    • Part of the Expert Committee of the IWGGD and the Task Force on GD of the EHA.
    • Collaborates extensively with international bodies and foundations.
  • Awards and Recognition:

    • Received multiple awards for her contributions and those of her research group members at national and international congresses.
    • Recognized for her innovative work in utilizing artificial intelligence and machine learning in medical research.
  • Teaching and Mentorship:

    • Directed numerous continuing education courses for physicians.

Created educational resources and has been involved in life-long learning activities.


  • Elstein D, Belmatoug N, Bembi B, Deegan P, Fernandez-Sasso D, Giraldo P,
    Göker-Alpan Ö, Hughes D, Lau H, Lukina E, Revel-Vilk S, Schwartz IVD, Istaiti M, Botha J,
    Gadir N, Schenk J, Zimran A; GOS Study Group. 2024. Twelve Years of the Gaucher
    Outcomes Survey (GOS): Insights, Achievements, and Lessons Learned from a Global
    Patient Registry.J Clin Med.13-12.
  • Wallace EL, Goker-Alpan O, Wilcox WR, Holida M, Bernat J, Longo N, Linhart
    A, Hughes DA, Hopkin RJ, Tøndel C, Langeveld M, Giraldo P, Pisani A, Germain DP, Mehta
    A, Deegan PB, Molnar MJ, Ortiz D, Jovanovic A, Muriello M, Barshop BA, Kimonis V,
    Vujkovac B, Nowak A, Geberhiwot T, Kantola I, Knoll J, Waldek S, Nedd K, Karaa A, BrillAlmon E, Alon S, Chertkoff R, Rocco R, Sakov A, Warnock DG.;. 2024. Head-to-head trial
    of pegunigalsidase alfa versus agalsidase beta in patients with Fabry disease and
    deteriorating renal function: results from the 2-year randomised phase III BALANCE
    study. J Med Genet.21-61, pp.520-530.
  • Serrano-Gonzalo I, de Frutos LL, Lahoz-Gil C, Delgado-Mateos F, FernándezGalán MÁ, Morales-Conejo M, Calle-Gordo MV, Ibarretxe-Gerediaga D, MadinaveitiaOchoa A, Albarracin-Arraigosa A, Balanzat-Muñoz J, Correcher-Medina P, García-Frade LJ,
    Hernández-Rivas JM, Labbadia F, López-Dupla JM, Lozano-Almela ML, Mora-Casterá E,
    Noya-Pereira MS, Ruíz-Guinaldo MÁ, Del Mar Tormo-Díaz M, Vitoria-Miñana I, ArévaloVargas I, Andrade-Campos M, Giraldo P. Real life data: follow-up assessment on Spanish
    Gaucher disease patients treated with eliglustat. TRAZELGA project.. 2023. Real life data:
    follow-up assessment on Spanish Gaucher disease patients treated with eliglustat.
    TRAZELGA project. Orphanet J Rare Dis.18-1.
  • Stanescu S, Correcher Medina P, Del Castillo FJ, Alonso Luengo O, Arto
    Millan LM, Belanger Quintana A, Camprodon Gomez M, Diez Langhetée L, Garcia Campos
    O, Matas Garcia A, Perez-Moreno J, Rubio Gribble B, Visa-Reñé N, Giraldo-Castellano P,
    O’Callaghan Gordo M. 2023. Clinical Outcomes of Patients with Chronic Neuropathic
    Form of Gaucher Disease in the Spanish Real-World Setting: A Retrospective
  • Linhart A, Dostálová G, Nicholls K, West ML, Tøndel C, Jovanovic A, Giraldo P,
    Vujkovac B, Geberhiwot T, Brill-Almon E, Alon S, Chertkoff R, Rocco R, Hughes. 2023.
    Safety and efficacy of pegunigalsidase alfa in patients with Fabry disease who were
    previously treated with agalsidase alfa: results from BRIDGE, a phase 3 open-label study.
    Orphanet J Rare Dis. 18-1, pp.332.
  • Louw VJ, Fraser I, Giraldo P 2023. Management goals of type 1 Gaucher
    disease in South Africa: An expert Delphi consensus document on good clinical
    practice.PLoS One. 18-8.
  • Esther Valero Tena; Mercedes Roca Espiau; Jose Verdu Diaz; Jordi Diaz
    Manera; Marcio Andrade Campos; Pilar Giraldo Castellano. 2023. Advantages of digital
    technology in the assessment of bone marrow involvement in Gaucher’s disease. Front Med

Africa Holguin – human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)- Women Researcher Award

Africa Holguin – human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)- Women Researcher Award

Dr. Africa Holguin distinguished academic and researcher in the field Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). She is the Head of the HIV-1 Molecular Epidemiology Laboratory, affiliated with the Microbiology Department at Hospital Ramón y Cajal in Madrid and the Ramón y Cajal Health Research Institute (IRYCIS). As the leader of numerous national and international research projects, she secures funding from both public and private sources, oversees budget administration, and provides the essential expertise and leadership skills to guide and train her team successfully. She has authored over 150 scientific papers in international journals, often serving as the first or last author. Her research group collaborates with national partners and international public health agencies, focusing on well-established pediatric and adult populations across various countries. For more details on her publications, see her Google Scholar profile.


🌐 Professional Profile


She holds a Doctorate in Molecular Biology from Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain, earned in 1996, and a Licentiate in Biological Sciences with a specialization in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology from the same university, completed in 1991. In 2011, she completed the “BIOCAMPUS 2011” Bioentrepreneurship training program, comprising 280 hours, organized by Fundación Genoma España. Additionally, she has undertaken more than 400 hours of training in leadership skills, human resources management, teamwork, coaching, leadership, negotiation, and strategy through various public courses organized by the Instituto de Administración Pública de Madrid (MAP) and the Dirección General de Función Pública de la Comunidad de Madrid.

Research Experiences

She is currently an Investigadora Titular del Sistema Nacional de Salud and the head of the HIV Molecular Epidemiology Laboratory at IRYCIS, Hospital Ramón y Cajal, in Madrid, a position she has held since 2022. Her career includes various roles, starting as a Becaria de Colaboración del MEC at the Centro de Biología Molecular “Severo Ochoa,” CSIC, in Spain from 1989 to 1990. She then served as a predoctoral fellow at the same institution from 1990 to 1996 and a visiting predoctoral researcher at the Dana Farber Cancer Institute, Harvard Medical School, in 1995. From 1996 to 2000, she was a postdoctoral fellow funded by the Fondo de Investigaciones Sanitarias (FIS) at Hospital Carlos III in Madrid. In 1997, she also worked as a visiting postdoctoral researcher at the Georg-Speyer-Haus Institute in Frankfurt, Germany. From 2000 to 2008, she was an investigator at the Sistema Nacional de Salud, Hospital Carlos III. Since 2006, she has been a stabilized investigator at the Fundación para la Investigación Sanitaria del Hospital Ramón y Cajal in Madrid.

Activities of technology / knowledge transfer and results exploitation

  • Actualmente la Unidad de Innovación del Instituto para la Investigación Sanitaria (IRYCIS)
    del Hospital Ramón y Cajal de Madrid está valorando la mejor vía de protección de unos
    aptámeros que reconocen específicamente regiones altamente conservadas de varias
    proteínas del VIH para una futura aplicación diagnóstica.
  • La Dra. Holguín es autora al 40% del programa BioInformático EpiMolBIo (Registro
    2305114294344 en SAFE CREATIVE S.L, 11-5-2023) para analizar secuencias genéticas
    de patógenos y de genes/proteínas de interés biomédico. Con él se analizó la conservación
    de la región de las 5 proteínas del virus usadas para seleccionar los aptámeros anti VIH
    de este proyecto (PMID:35495642, 35694284, 35910645, 33586996), y para estudiar la
    evolución del SARS-CoV-2 en España (PMID:35742840) y mundo (PMID:33557213)

1. Scientific paper. Valadés-Alcaraz, A.; Reinosa, R.; González-Hevilla, M.; Medina-Sánchez,
C.; Martín, M. A.; (6/6) Holguín, A. (AC). 2024. Development and characterization of
High-Affinity Aptamers for HIV Protease Detection. (Submitted).Nucleic Acids Research
(Open Acess). (JIF: 14.9, Decil 1 – 10/285, JCR 2022).

2. Scientific paper. Reinosa, R.; Troyano-Hernáez, P.; Valadés-Alcaraz, A.; (4/4) Holguín, A.
(AC). 2024. EpiMolBio: A Novel User-Friendly Bioinformatic Program for Genetic Variability
Analysis. (Submitted).Bioinformatics (Open Access). (JIF: 5.8, Q1 – 24/158 in Bioechnology
& applied Microbiology, JCR 2022).

3. Scientific paper. Rodríguez-Galet, A.; Ventosa-Cubillo, J.; Bendomo, V.; et al; (9/9)
Holguín, A. (AC). 2024. HIV Diagnosis in Equatorial Guinea. Keys to reduce the diagnostic
and therapeutic delay. (Submitted). Journal of Infection and Public Health (Open Acess).
(JIF: 6.7, Q1 – 18/96 in Infectious Diseases, JCR 2022).

4. Scientific paper. Martínez De Aguirre, P.; Carlos, S.; Pina-Sánchez, M.; et al; Reina,
G.; (8/9) Holguín, A.2024. High pre-Delta and early-Omicron SARS-CoV-2 seroprevalence
detected in dried blood samples from Kinshasa (D.R.Congo) (In press).Journal of Medical
Virology (Open Access). (JIF: 12.7, Decil 1 – 2/36, JCR 2022).

5. Scientific paper. Rodríguez-Galet, A.; Ventosa-Cubillo, J.; Eyene, M.; et al; (9/9) Holguín,
A. (AC). 2024. Immunity to six vaccine pathogens in HIV+ and HIV- children in Bata city,
Equatorial Guinea. (In press). Vaccines (Open Acess). (JIF: 7.8, Q1- 24/136 in Medicine,
Research & Experimental, JCR 2022).

6. Scientific paper. Epalza, C.; Valadés-Alcaraz, A.; González-Alba, J.M.; et al; (14/14)
Holguín, A. (AC). 2024. Transmitted Drug Resistance and HIV Diversity Among
Adolescents Newly Diagnosed With HIV in Spain.The Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal
(Open Acess). (JIF: 3.6, Q1 – 23/130 in Pediatrics, JCR 2022).43, pp.40-48. PMID:
37922511. https://doi.org/10.1097/INF.0000000000004138

7. Scientific paper. Mbuagbaw L; Garcia C; Brenner B; et al; Jordan, M.R.; (7/15)
Holguin, A.2023. Checklist for studies of HIV drug resistance prevalence or
incidence: rationale and recommended use.The Lancet HIV (Open Access). (JIF:
16.1, Decil 1 – 6/96 in Infectious Diseases, JCR 2022). 10, pp.e684-e689. PMID:
37716367. https://doi.org/10.1016/S2352-3018(23)00173-X

8. Scientific paper. Ventosa-Cubillo, J.; Pinzón, R.; González-Alba, J.M.; Estripeaut, D.;
Navarro, M.L.; (6/6) Holguín, A. (AC). 2023. Drug resistance in children and adolescents
with HIV in Panama.The Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy (Open Access). (JIF:
5.2, Q1- 55/278 in Pharmacology & Pharmacy

Müge ISLETEN HOSOGLU – Biotechnology- Best Researcher Award

Müge ISLETEN HOSOGLU – Biotechnology- Best Researcher Award

Assoc prof Dr. Muge Isleten HosoGlu  distinguished academic and researcher in the field Biotechnology. 


🌐 Professional Profile


She earned her Ph.D. in Bioengineering from Ege University Faculty of Engineering, Department of Bioengineering in Turkey, where she conducted research on the optimization of long-chain ω-3 fatty acid production by heterotrophic microalgae under the TUBITAK Project No: 109M227, from 2007 to 2013. She completed her M.Sc. in Food Engineering at Canakkale Onsekiz Mart University, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Food Engineering in Turkey, where she investigated the effects of dried dairy ingredients on quality parameters of non-fat yogurt as part of a TUBITAK Project, from 2004 to 2006. She also holds a B.Sc. in Food Engineering from Ege University Faculty of Engineering, Department of Food Engineering in Turkey, which she completed between 1994 and 1999.

Work Experience

She is currently an Associate Professor at Gebze Technical University, Institute of Biotechnology in Gebze-Kocaeli, Turkey, a position she has held since 2019. Prior to this, she served as an Assistant Professor at Canakkale Onsekiz Mart University, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Food Engineering in Turkey from 2018 to 2019. From 2015 to 2018, she worked as a Research Assistant (Dr.) at the same institution. Between 2013 and 2015, she took a career break due to family reasons. Her earlier roles include being a Research Assistant at Ege University, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Bioengineering in Turkey from 2007 to 2013, and at Canakkale Onsekiz Mart University, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Food Engineering from 2004 to 2007. Additionally, she was the R&D and Microbiology Chief at Demko Demirci Canning Factory in Canakkale, Turkey from 2001 to 2004, and a Restaurant Assistant Manager at Begendik Hypermarket in Ankara, Turkey from 2000 to 2001.

She has held significant administrative positions, including serving as the Head of the Institute of Biotechnology at Gebze Technical University from 2022 to 2023 and as the Assistant of the Erasmus Coordinator at the Faculty of Engineering, Department of Bioengineering, Ege University from 2008 to 2013. Her teaching activities have encompassed a wide range of courses and laboratory sessions, such as Upstream & Downstream Processing Technologies (2022-2023), Bioprocess Engineering Principles (2021-2022), Principles of Fermentation Technology (2019-2021), Microorganisms in Industrial Biotechnology (2019-2021), Modern Applications of Food Biotechnology (2018-2019), and Fundamentals of Biotechnology (2019-2021). She also assisted in Bioengineering Laboratory I, Basic Laboratory, Bioengineering Laboratory III, Microbiology Laboratory I (all from 2007 to 2013), Process Design (2010-2012), and Stoichiometry (2010-2013). Earlier in her career, she was involved in teaching Food Microbiology, Food Quality Control, Instrumental Analysis, Dairy Technologies (2004-2006 and 2015-2018), and Sensory Evaluation of Foods (2004-2006). Additionally, she is proficient in English at an advanced level and has skills in Windows/Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint) and various statistical software packages, including SPSS, Minitab, Statistica, and Design Expert.


Susanta Kumar Sahu – Biological Award – Best Researcher Award

Susanta Kumar Sahu – Biological Award – Best Researcher Award

Assoc Prof Dr. Susanta Kumar Sahu distinguished academic and researcher in the field Biological. He has been employed at Utkal University since November 2001, where he served as a Reader and Head during various periods: from June 2011 to May 2013, August 2015 to May 2017, and June 2019 to September 2021. Additionally, he worked as a Professor & Unit Head at Asmara College of Health Science (Asmara University), under the government of Africa, from January 2016 to July 2016. His tenure also includes serving as an Assistant Professor at Garyounis University, under the government of Africa in Libya, from 2009 to 2010. Earlier in his career, he held positions as a Lecturer at Krupanidhi College of Pharmacy, Bangalore University, from December 1994 to August 1995, and at the Institute of Pharmacy and Technology, Utkal University, from September 1995 to November 2001. Prior to his academic roles, he worked as a Graduate Apprentice at Boots Pharmaceutical in Sion, Bombay, from 1992 to 1993.

🌐 Professional Profiles


He pursued his academic journey at Berhampur University, Odisha, completing his B.Pharm. in 1992, followed by an M.Pharm. from Dr. M.G.R. Medical University, Tamil Nadu, in 1995, focusing on Pharmaceutical Chemistry with subjects ranging from Medicinal and Organic Chemistry to Chemistry of Natural Products and Instrumental Chemistry. He then earned his Ph.D. in Pharmaceutical Chemistry from Berhampur University in 1999, under the guidance of Prof. P.K Misro and Prof. P.K Panda, specializing in the synthesis and pharmacological studies of new indole derivative drugs and their congeners. Later, in 2009, he achieved a D.Sc. from the same university, delving into Synthetic Chemistry and Biological Evaluation, with a thesis titled “Synthesis and Biological Evaluation of New Heterocyclic Compounds,” supervised by Prof. P.K Misro and Prof. P.K Panda.

 Work experiences

He has amassed extensive teaching experience across various prestigious institutions and universities. At UDPS, Utkal University, Bhubaneswar, he has been actively involved in teaching B.Pharm, M.Pharm, and Ph.D. courses since November 22, 2001, and has taken on administrative responsibilities as the Head of the Department during multiple periods, including from June 1, 2011, to May 30, 2013, August 10, 2015, to May 31, 2017, and June 1, 2019, to September 15, 2021. His teaching duties have encompassed Medicinal Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Chemistry of Natural Products, and Instrumental Chemistry. Similarly, at Asmara University, Asmara, under the government of Africa, he served as a teacher and researcher, as well as a Unit Head in 2016, contributing to the education of students in B.Pharm and M.Pharm programs. He also taught and conducted research at Garyounis University, Libya, under the government of Africa, from 2009 to 2010, focusing on the same subjects. Earlier in his career, he engaged in teaching and research roles at various institutions, including UDPS, Utkal University, Institute of Pharmacy and Technology in Cuttack under Utkal University, and Krupanidhi College of Pharmacy under Bangalore University, from 1994 to 1995 and 1995 to 2001, respectively. Throughout these positions, he has demonstrated a strong commitment to education and research in the fields of Medicinal Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Chemistry of Natural Products, and Instrumental Chemistry.


  Organized Seminar

  • Seminar on Wholeness and Implicate Order, held at MKCG Auditorium, Utkal University Dt. 08 February 2009. (Convenor)
  • National Seminar, School of Pharmacy, Utkal University, Dt. 23-24th March 2002.(asst secretary organizing committee)

As Chairperson

  • Eastern Regional of Indian Pharmacological Society & 21st Annual Conference of Odisha State Brach of IPS, held at SCB Medical College, Cuttack, Dt. 11-13 November 2011.
  • ICMR Sponsored national Seminar on Quality control and Standardization of Ethnopharmaceuticals in the present era organized by Centurion University of Technology and Management, Bhubaneswar on 4-5th March 2018. (as Chairman, Scientific Committee)

Invited Speaker

  • State Level Seminar, IMT Pharmacy College, Puri Dt. 5th April 2013.
  • State Level Seminar, CPS, Puri
  • State Level Seminar, Dadhichi College of PharmacyBBSR
  • J.B. Autonomous College,BBSR
  • School of Pharmacy Centurion University,BBSR
  • GRY College of Pharmacy ,M.P



  • Participated as a trainee in the National workshop on Drug design and Discovery at Institute of life sciences from 03-6th march 2014 Bhubaneswar.
  • Participated as Delegate in the workshop on computational tools for protein modeling and lead optimization in drug discovery from 7-8th mar 2014 JSS College of pharmacy Ooty.
  • Working Pharmacist, Institute of Pharmacy & Technology Dt. 27-28th March 2000.


Refresher Courses/ Training Programmes/Workshops attended:

  • Attended introduction training program for teachers in Pharmaceutical Sciences sponsored by AICTE from 09thSep-28thSep 1998 at Kakatiya University, Warangal, AP.

Attended UGC sponsored course from 10thJun-30thJun 2002 at Annamali University, Tamil Nadu.



1.A Combined approach of Pharmacophore modelling, QSAR study ,molecular docking and in Silico ADME/TOX prediction of 4- Arylthioand 4-Arloxy-3-Iodopyridine-2(1H) one analogs to identify potential Reverse Transcriptase inhibitor; anti-HIV agents. Medicinal chemistry.DOI;102174/1573406417666201214100822.(IMF.3.02)

2.Identification of antimycobacterial agent using  insilico virtual  screening ,ADME predication,Docking and Molecular Dynamics simulation approach,  current computer aided Drug Design, 2020 BMS-CCADD-2020-25.DOI:10.2174/1573409916999200730182308  ( IMF.1.66)3. Rational in silico drug design of HIV-RTinhibitors through G-QSAR and moleculardocking study of 4-arylthio and 4-aryloxy-3-iodopyridine-2(1-H)-one derivative. Beni-Suef University Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences

3.Pharmacophore modelling, QSAR study, molecular docking and insilico ADME prediction of1,2,3‑triazole and pyrazolopyridones As DprE1 inhibitor antitubercular agents ,SN Applied Sciences.(IMF.1.0)

4.Computer-aided identification of lead compounds as FtsZ inhibitors using molecular docking, virtual screening, DFT analysis and molecular dynamic simulation, Journal of Molecular Modelling.2019;25;360 http;//doi.org/10.1007/s00894-019-4238-6.(IMF.1.3)

5.FtsZ inhibitors as a new genera of antibacterial agents Review article, Bioorganic Chemistry   doi.org /10.1016/jbioorg.2019. 103169  (IMF.3.9)

6.Pharmacophore generation, atom-based 3D-QSAR, molecular docking and molecular dynamics simulation studies on benzamide

7. analogues as FtsZ inhibitors. Journal of Biomolrcular Structure and Dynamics; 2017, (DOI: 10.1080/07391102.2017.1384401).(IMF.3.02).

Ghada Hegazy- Microbiology- Best Researcher Award

Ghada Hegazy- Microbiology- Best Researcher Award

Dr. Ghada Hegazy  distinguished academic and researcher in the field  Microbiology. She actively engaged in numerous educational and professional development activities, showcasing her commitment to advancing her expertise in microbiology and related fields. She lectured and participated in theoretical and practical training programs focused on detecting and enumerating various microorganisms, demonstrating her proficiency in laboratory techniques. Additionally, she contributed to enhancing the practical skills of students at Damanhur University and the Arab Academy for Science, Technology & Maritime Transport through microbiology training sessions.

Her dedication to continuous learning is evident in her attendance at courses and workshops covering topics such as chromatography, nanotechnology, and environmental data analysis. Furthermore, she participated in events aimed at raising awareness and addressing critical issues, including World Tsunami Awareness Day and the sustainable development of marine environments.

Moreover, she actively shared her knowledge and expertise by delivering lectures and participating in training courses, contributing to the professional development of her peers and the advancement of scientific research. Through her diverse participation and engagement, she has established herself as a dedicated and knowledgeable professional in the field of microbiology and environmental science.

🌐 Professional Profiles


She holds a permanent position as a Professor of Microbiology, having earned her academic qualifications from the Faculty of Science at Alexandria University. Her journey in microbiology began with a Bachelor of Science degree in Microbiology, which she obtained with distinction in 2004. Subsequently, she pursued postgraduate courses in Microbiology, paving the path for her Master of Science degree in the same field, awarded in 2012. Continuing her academic pursuit, she went on to complete her Doctor of Philosophy in Microbiology from Alexandria University in 2019. With her extensive education and expertise in the field, she stands as a distinguished figure in microbiological research and academia.

➢ Research interests:
1. Environmental biotechnological applications
2. Industrial applications
3. Medical applications
4. Marine pollution treatment
5. Energy production by using marine microorganisms

Appreciation Certificate🏅🏅

She has been honored with certificates of appreciation for her exemplary contributions to various events and initiatives. In recognition of her outstanding organizational efforts, she received a Certificate of Appreciation for her role in organizing World Tsunami Awareness Day in Alexandria on November 5, 2019. Additionally, her active and valuable participation in the celebration of World Oceans Day on June 8, 2022, earned her another Certificate of Appreciation. Furthermore, she was proudly presented with a certificate from Springer Nature Open Access for Egypt, acknowledging her contributions to advancing open access scholarly publishing in the region. These certificates reflect her dedication and impact in promoting awareness, collaboration, and scholarly excellence within her professional community.


Book: Probiotics, the Natural Microbiota in Living Organisms (Fundamentals & Applications).
 Book: Lakes of Africa Microbial Diversity and Sustainability.
 Book; Mercury toxicity.
Book: General characteristics of halophilic archaea and its applications.
Book: Archaeal Secrets Unveiled: Applications of Haloalkaliphilic Archaea in Biomedicine and Energy.

Editorial Board Memberships

She serves on the editorial boards of prestigious journals, including the Annals of Civil and Environmental Engineering Journal, Journal of Marine Science and Research, and Insights of Clinical and Medical Images. Additionally, she is a valued member of various committees, contributing her expertise to further advancements in her field. Her specialization areas encompass marine and applied microbiology, with a particular focus on halophilic archaea. Furthermore, her proficiency extends to statistical analysis, enhancing the precision and depth of her research contributions. Through her multifaceted involvement and specialized knowledge, she significantly impacts the realms of microbiology, environmental engineering, marine science, and clinical research.



She demonstrated her organizational prowess by orchestrating a series of impactful events. Notably, she spearheaded the webinar for the Marine Microbiology Lab on May 30th, 2021, facilitating knowledge exchange and collaboration in the field. Additionally, she played a pivotal role in organizing a workshop titled “Scientific Writing and Presentation Skills” at the National Institute of Oceanography & Fisheries (NIOF) in Alexandria, held on September 8th and 9th, 2019. This workshop aimed to enhance the communication skills of participants, fostering effective dissemination of scientific findings. Furthermore, she contributed to raising awareness and preparedness for natural disasters by coordinating the World Tsunami Awareness Day event in Alexandria on November 5th, 2019. Through these endeavors, she showcased her dedication to promoting education, collaboration, and societal resilience.



George Mikhailovsky – Biology Network – Best Researcher Award

George Mikhailovsky – Biology Network – Best Researcher Award

 Dr. George Mikhailovsky  distinguished academic and researcher in the Biology Network. He has held the role of President and CEO at Global Mind Share in Norfolk, VA since July 2012, a non-profit organization co-founded with Gary Sorrell. In this capacity, he oversees the collection of critical global issues affecting humanity from around the world, facilitating their discussion and efforts toward resolution. Additionally, since October 1998, he has served as a Principal Systems Analyst at CALIBRE in Metro Park, Alexandria, VA. With a tenure spanning over two decades, he has been the Technical Lead for significant projects such as the Capital Program Management System (CPMS) and Operating Budget System (OBS) for esteemed entities like the Southeastern Pennsylvania Transportation Authority (SEPTA) and the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority (WMATA). His work involves managing approximately $6 million in efforts to develop and implement CPMS, a comprehensive financial management information system that tracks and reports on various aspects including grants, capital programs, contracts, budgets, and expenses, thereby contributing significantly to the efficiency and effectiveness of these transportation authorities.


🌐 Professional Profiles


He obtained his Master of Science in Biophysics and Physiology from Moscow State University in 1966-1969. Subsequently, he pursued a Doctor of Philosophy degree at the same institution, specializing in Biophysics, which he completed in 1969. Later, between 1981 and 1983, he earned his Doctor of Science degree in Biostatistics & Ecological Modeling from the P.P. Shirshov Institute of Oceanology, USSR Academy of Sciences. His academic journey reflects a comprehensive exploration of interdisciplinary fields, spanning from biophysics to ecological modeling, showcasing his dedication to advancing scientific knowledge and understanding.

Throughout his career, he has held various positions that reflect his expertise and dedication across different fields. From December 1969 to April 1978, he worked at Moscow State University, initially as a Laboratory Assistant, progressing to Junior Scientist, and eventually Senior Scientist. During this time, he played a pivotal role in developing the concept and structure of marine ecological monitoring services for the Government Committee of Meteorology and Environmental Protection. Additionally, he led coastal expeditions to The White Sea from 1973 to 1976 as part of Moscow State University’s initiatives.

Moving forward, from May 1978 to January 1981, he served as a Professor and Deputy Chairman of the Physics-Chemical Biology Department at Irkutsk State University, where he lectured on topics such as General Biophysics, Biophysics of Complex Systems, and Biological Systems Theory. His contributions extended to research in statistical multivariable analysis of the structure of freshwater plankton communities and biological thermodynamics.

Subsequently, from February 1981 to May 1995, he held the position of Principal Scientist at the P.P. Shirshov Institute of Oceanology, Russian Academy of Science, Moscow, Russia. Here, he specialized in mathematical treatment of multi-variable ecological data, employing methods such as cluster analysis and principal components analysis. He also developed new statistical methods, focusing on statistical modeling of marine ecosystems, including ecological risk assessment and marine environment quality estimation.

In addition to his research roles, he contributed to academia as a Professor of the System Ecology Department at Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia, Moscow, Russia, from February 1992 to June 1995. His teaching portfolio included courses on General Oceanography, General Ecology, Ecological Monitoring, and Marine Ecology.

Transitioning to the private sector, he served as a Programmer Analyst at Innovative Information Systems, Inc., Rockville, MD, from November 1995 to November 1996, where he was involved in the development and implementation of an online medical supply application. Following this, he joined Information Systems Solutions International, Inc., Silver Spring, MD, as a Senior Programmer from November 1996 to October 1998, contributing to the enhancement of PowerBuilder applications for the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

His dedication to education continued as he assumed a part-time Professor role at Software Quality Learning, Inc., Rockville, MD, from March 1997 to August 1999. Here, he focused on educating and training PowerBuilder developers, covering fundamental to advanced topics. Currently, he also serves as the President and CEO of Global Mind Share, a non-profit organization aimed at addressing global issues critical to humanity.

Award and Honour

He has earned numerous certifications and awards throughout his career, showcasing his expertise and recognition in various fields. Notably, in 2008, he obtained the Certified SOA (Service-Oriented Architecture) Associate certification, demonstrating his proficiency in this architectural approach. His dedication to excellence was acknowledged in 2006 when he received the Certificate of Excellence from the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority. Additionally, he holds several Oracle certifications, including Oracle 10g Administrator Certified Professional (2004), Oracle 9i Administrator Certified Professional (2003), Oracle 8i Certified Database Administrator (2002), and Oracle 8 Certified Database Administrator (2001), underlining his mastery in Oracle database administration.

Furthermore, he achieved the designation of Master PowerBuilder Programmer in 1999, indicating his advanced skills in this programming language. His contributions to the field of science were recognized in 1995 when he was included in the List of 5000 Outstanding Scientists of Russia by the Russian Government, affirming his significant impact and contributions to scientific research and academia. These certifications and awards underscore his commitment to continuous learning, professional development, and excellence in his respective domains.


Panagiotis Karanis – Biomedical Research – Best Researcher Award

Panagiotis Karanis – Biomedical Research

Dr. Panagiotis karanis  distinguished academic and researcher in the field Biomedical research, infectious diseases, climate changes.  Professor Karanis is a resourceful and dedicated professor with an impressive academic background,
excellent publication record and significant teaching experiences in the fields of Emerging Infectious
Parasitic and Tropical Diseases and Human Anatomy. Possesses excellent interpersonal and liaison skills
with the ability to build and maintain positive working relationships. Possesses mature administrative and
managerial skills and solid experience in science policy and public health. Enjoys worldwide collaborating
in a productive and successful team and thrives in challenging environments. He was 1000 Talent Plan
Expert (2014-2017) in Qinghai, China.

🌐 Professional Profiles

Educations: 📚🎓

Professor Dr. Panagiotis Karanis has held various esteemed positions in the field of anatomy and biomedicine, showcasing an extensive and distinguished career spanning several decades. From 2019 to the present, he serves as a Professor of Anatomy and the Coordinator of the Unit of Anatomy & Morphology at the Medical School, University of Nicosia, Nicosia, Cyprus. His contributions extend globally, as he has been an international advisor, consultant, and visiting professor at numerous universities.

During the period from 2014 to 2018, Professor Karanis held the position of Professor and Director of the Centre of Biomedicine and Infectious Diseases at the State Key Laboratory for Plateau Ecology and Agriculture at Qinghai University in Xining, China. His expertise was recognized internationally, as he was selected as a Foreign Expert in the 1000 Talent Plan, Recruitment Program of Foreign Experts (RPFE) for non-ethnic Chinese experts in China.

Earlier in his career, from 2009 to the present, Professor Karanis made significant contributions as a Professor of Anatomy at the Medical School, University of Cologne, Germany. Prior to this, he served as an Associate Professor and later as a Full Professor at the National Research Centre for Protozoan Diseases (NRCPD) in Japan from 2006 to 2007.

The trajectory of Professor Karanis’s career is marked by academic achievements. In 1999, he received Venia legendi in Parasitology (PD Dr.) and completed his Habilitation in Clinical-Theoretical Medicine at the Medical Faculty, University of Bonn, Germany. His academic journey began with a PhD in Parasitology, focusing on ‘UV-Disinfection of Protozoan Parasites’ at the University of Bonn in 1992. Earlier, in 1987, he earned a Diploma in Biology from the University of Bochum, Germany.

Professor Karanis’s educational background is diverse, including studies in Biology at the Universities of Bielefeld, Düsseldorf, and Bochum from 1980 to 1986. He also pursued complementary studies of Medicine at the Universities of Bochum and Cologne, completing the pre-clinical medical curriculum. His commitment to academia and research has made him a respected figure in the international scientific community, contributing significantly to the fields of anatomy, biomedicine, and parasitology.

Research Interests: 🧬🔬

Biomedical research, infectious diseases, climate changes,Applications of Network Science and Graph Analytics in Social, Biological, and Technological Networks

Awards and Achievements: 🏆👏

  •  Prof. Karanis is included on the annual list of 100,000 top scientists worldwide and, correspondingly, in
    the top 2 per cent of scientists in their field, according to a team of researchers at Stanford University in
    the USA. The updated 2020 list is based on a range of citation metrics that provides standardized data
    across those fields and subfields, in arriving at the (2019) single year impact result of more than 8,000,000
    scientists worldwide.
  • Gained worldwide administrative and managerial skills and experiences in science policy and public
    health. Successfully established 5 Laboratories / Institutions in Bonn / Germany (Waterborne and Vectorborne
    Parasitic Diseases), Thessaloniki / Greece (Leishmania and Sandflies), Cologne / Germany (Medical and
    Molecular Parasitology), Obihiro / Japan (Unit for Diseases Control and Genetics), Xining / China (Centre
    of Biomedicine and Infectious Diseases; the laboratory was promoted from the Chinese Government toState Key Laboratory of the Qinghai Province in China, 2016). The laboratories in Germany, Japan and
    China achieved an international reputation
  • Developed worldwide effective cooperations between many countries, in particular betweenEuropean
    and Asian countries
  •  Consultant at Qatar National Research Foundation and Qatar University, Doha, Qatar
  • Academic program review for the Master of Science in Biomedical Science, College of Health
    Sciences at Qatar University, Doha, Qatar, September 2018
  • Consultant” at Walailak University, Nakhon Si Thammarat, Thailand
  • Nominated as “Advisory Board Member” of the “Centre of Excellence for Medical Research and
    Innovative Products (CEMRIP)” in Thailand.
  • Nominated “National Distinguished Expert” and “State Specially Recruited Expert” of China
  • Selected in 1000 Talent Plan, the Recruitment Program of Foreign Experts (RPFE) for non-ethnic Chinese
    experts, China, 2014, leading into ongoing innovative and promising collaborations with China
  • Invitation for Short Term – Fellowship – Program for Malaria Research in Japan by JSPS (Japanese
    Society of Promotion of Science), 12th January – 11th March 2014

Career Summary 

Dr. Panagiotis Karanis is a distinguished parasitologist with a wealth of expertise and a prolific career spanning several prestigious institutions across the globe. Serving as a Guest Professor at the University of Padova in Italy during 2019 and 2020, as well as a Consultant at the College of Public Health in Qatar in 2018, he contributed significantly to the field of parasitology. Dr. Karanis has been a Consultant at Walailak University in Thailand since 2017, where he has provided guidance and international supervision for PhD students.

His academic endeavors include roles as an Invited Professor at the University of Alexandroupolis and the University of Ioannina in Greece, where he delivered lectures on infectious diseases to both undergraduate and postgraduate students. Notably, from 2014 to 2018, Dr. Karanis held the position of Professor and Director of the Centre of Biomedicine and Infectious Diseases at Qinghai University in China.

As a Foreign Expert in the 1000 Talent Plan Recruitment Program, he played a pivotal role in elevating the laboratory to the State Key Laboratory for Plateau Ecology and Agriculture of the Qinghai Province. Dr. Karanis’s contributions extended to advising the Chinese government on research ideas, particularly in waterborne and vectorborne diseases, and his efforts in developing Cryptosporidium culture assays for drug testing garnered recognition and funding from prestigious institutions such as the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. His comprehensive involvement in academia, research, and international collaborations underscores his commitment to advancing the field of parasitology and infectious diseases.


📚Top Noted Publication



Ahlam H. Mahmoud – Biochemistry – Best Researcher Award

Ahlam H. Mahmoud – Biochemistry

Prof Dr. Ahlam H. Mahmoud distinguished academic and researcher in the field Biochemistry. Ahlam Hosny Mahmoud has a rich and extensive employment history in the field of biochemistry and therapeutic chemistry. Beginning in 1987, he served as a research assistant in the Therapeutic Chemistry Department within the Pharmaceutical and Drug Industries Research Division at the National Research Centre in Dokki, Giza, Egypt.


Ahlam has dedicated his career to advancing research in the pharmaceutical and drug industries, contributing significantly to the scientific community. Currently, he holds the esteemed position of Professor of Biochemistry within the same department at the National Research Centre in Dokki, Giza, Egypt. As a professor, he continues to make substantial contributions to the field, shaping the future of biochemistry and therapeutic chemistry through his research and academic endeavors.
Professional Profiles:


In his pursuit of advancing pharmaceutical research, Ahlam Hosny Mahmoud has engaged in a variety of in vivo experiments involving experimental animals. These experiments are designed with the overarching goal of developing new drugs or identifying new drug indications. One facet of his research involves conducting in vivo experiments on gastric ulcer and inflammatory diseases of soft tissue. In these studies, he meticulously induces diseases in experimental animals and evaluates the efficacy of treatments, with a specific focus on assessing the degree of inflammation using a planimeter.

Furthermore, Ahlam is actively involved in in vivo treatments targeting breast cancer. His efforts contribute to the ongoing exploration of novel approaches for combating this prevalent and challenging disease. Additionally, he undertakes experiments aimed at measuring the toxicity of different compounds, providing crucial insights into the safety profile of potential therapeutic agents. Beyond that, Ahlam investigates the distribution and concentration of trace elements in various organs, shedding light on their potential roles in physiological processes and offering valuable information for drug development. Through these diverse in vivo experiments, he remains dedicated to advancing the frontiers of pharmaceutical and therapeutic research.

Project collaboration:

Principal investigator: The potential therapeutic effect of aqueous methanol extract of Bombex ceiba flower against breast cancer in female rats.

**Member: Using modern generations of formulations to prepare safe pesticides from natural materials for pest management in clean agriculture

  • Development of a New Benzofuran–Pyrazole–Pyridine-Based Molecule for the Management of Osteoarthritis
    Abd El-Karim, S.S., Mahmoud, A.H., Al-Mokaddem, A.K., …Zen, A.A., Anwar, M.M.
    MoleculesThis link is disabled., 2023, 28(19), 6814
  • Calcium voltage-gated channel subunit alpha 1 C and glial fibrillary acidic protein signaling pathways as a selective biomarker in predicting the efficacy of liposomal loaded co-enzyme Q in the autistic rat model
    Elhefnawei, D.M., Mahmoud, A.H., Kadry, M.O., …Badawy, M.A., EL-Desouky, M.A.
    Toxicology ReportsThis link is disabled., 2023, 10, pp. 17–26
  • Antiproliferative activity of bombax ceiba flower extract against mammary gland carcinoma in rats
    Mahmoud, A.H., Metwally, N.S., Youness, E.R., …Elmalt, H.A., Al-Mokaddem, A.K.
    Systematic Reviews in Pharmacy, 2020, 11(11), pp. 1406–1415
  • Synthesis and evaluation of new coumarin derivatives as antioxidant, antimicrobial, and anti-inflammatory agents
    Alshibl, H.M., Al-Abdullah, E.S., Haiba, M.E., …Bari, A., Villinger, A.
    MoleculesThis link is disabled., 2020, 25(14), 3251
  • Phytoconstituents and hepatoprotective effect of Suaeda monoica Forssk and Suaeda pruinosa Lange
    Elsharabasy, F.S., Metwally, N.S., Mahmoud, A.H., …Farrag, A.H., Arafa, S.
    Biomedical and Pharmacology JournalThis link is disabled., 2019, 12(1), pp. 117–129
  • Secondary metabolites and biological activities of allium porrum l. In attacking ehrlich ascites carcinoma in mice
    Mahmoud, A.H., Foda, D.S., Ibrahim, N.E., El-Hagrassi, A.M., Yousef, O.M.H.
    Egyptian Journal of ChemistryThis link is disabled., 2019, 62, pp. 211–227
  • A comparative study of the anticancer activity and PARP-1 inhibiting effect of benzofuran-pyrazole scaffold and its nano-sized particles in human breast cancer cells
    Anwar, M.M., El-Karim, S.S.A., Mahmoud, A.H., Amr, A.E.-G.E., Al-Omar, M.A.
    MoleculesThis link is disabled., 2019, 24(13), 2413
  • Bombax ceiba flowers extract ameliorates hepatosteatosis induced by ethanol and relatively moderate fat diet in rats
    Arafa, A.F., Foda, D.S., Mahmoud, A.H., Metwally, N.S., Farrag, A.R.H.
    Toxicology ReportsThis link is disabled., 2019, 6, pp. 401–408